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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Commandment 8: Be Creative
If you are creative, you can package what you want in ways that are acceptable to the company. You will also be able to find creative “trades” that allow you to withdraw requests that might be problematic to the company in return for improvements in areas where the company has more flexibility.
Commandment 9: Focus on Your Goals, Not on Winning
Too often in negotiations winning becomes more important than the actual goals that are achieved. This tendency is particularly problematic in employment negotiations. Not only is it important to focus on achieving your goals; it is also important not to make your future boss feel like a loser in the negotiations. Remember, that this person will control your future career. You will have gained little by negotiating a good deal if you alienate your future boss in the process.
Commandment 10: Know When to Quit Bargaining
There comes a point in every negotiation when you have achieved everything that you could have reasonably expected to achieve. At that point you should thank the person you are dealing with and accept the offer. If you don’t recognize when to stop negotiating, you run the risk of having the company decide that it made a mistake by offering you the job in the first place. Most companies will want to treat you fairly and make you happy, but few companies want to hire a prima donna. Being perceived as greedy or unreasonable may cause the deal to fall apart. Even if it does not, you will have done immeasurable harm to your career with your new employer.
Commandment 11: Never Forget That Employment Is an Ongoing Relationship
This is the most important commandment and cannot be overemphasized. Employment negotiations are the starting point for your career with the company. They set the tone for your employment relationship. Get too little and you are disadvantaged throughout your career; push too hard and you can sour the relationship before it even begins. How you handle the initial negotiations can have an impact, for better or worse, on how successful your tenure with a company will be.
Question 1
How does one need to prepare for an actual interview?
Question 2
Define each of the following types of interviews:
. Stress Interviews

. One-on-one Interview

. Screening Interview

. Lunch Interview

. Committee Interview

. Group Interview

. Telephone Interview

Question 3
Enumerate some tips for telephone interviews.
Question 4
List down the things to keep in mind on the following cases:
. Before the interview

. During the interview

. After the interview

Question 5
Enumerate some guidelines for asking questions during an interview.
Question 6
List down at least 10 deadly interview mistakes job seekers make.

1.筛选型面试(Screening Interview)。这种类型的面试以“淘汰”应聘者为目的,通常提一些一般性的问题,用以评价应聘者。筛选型面试的目标非常明确,就是要挑选出符合应聘条件的应聘者,推荐给录用部门的经理,并将最后评价权交给部门经理。
Traditional Interview)。一般来说,这种面试是在预定的时间内由秘书将你带进会议室,由经理提一些典型的问题,然后起立握手,以 “Thank you .We’ll contact you in a week or two .”(感谢你能来参加面试,一两个星期内我们会与你联系的)等寒暄结束面试。
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