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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

55.stock  n.存货
supply sth. from / in / ex stock某物有现货可供
Eg: They can supply this quantity ex/ from /in their stock.
Eg: We shall place repeat orders if you have a good stock of Linen goods.
Eg: Black tea, first grade, is out of stock at present.

Eg: We dot not stock this material for the time being.
Eg: This is a stock excuse.

56.stress n.着重点,强调(=emphasis)
常用短语:put (place or lay)stress on把重点放在,强调
Eg: We have to put / place / lay stress on this point.
Eg: The stress should be placed on the comparison of qualities.

Eg: We cannot stress too strongly the importance of it.
Eg: Exporters stressed the point that regular offers are necessary.

57.subject n.主题,标题
Eg: We noted from your cable that you are in urgent need of the subject article.

(1)subject to以……为条件,以……为准,以……为有效(形容词短语作表语)

(2)在…条件下(副词短语,引出状语) Eg: We’ve received your order for Tennis Rackets, which we will accept subject to payment

in advance.(作状语) Eg: Our quotation is subject to prior sales.(作表语)
58.supply n.供应,供给; v.供应,供给
Eg: We have an ample supply of canned meat.
常用短语:supply sb. with sth.

supply sth. to sb.
Eg: Please believe that our supplier can supply your needs to the full.
Eg: We’re able to supply you with all sizes of silk underwear.
另外同义的表达还有:provide sb. with sth.(完全可以替换)
Eg: Will you please provide us with the necessary information?

59.view  v.看待,认为
Eg: We view the matter unusual.


n.看法,意见(后接 of 或 on或从句)
Eg: Please write your views of business likelihood / possibilities in the near future.
Eg: We hold the view that price is not the only determinant.

(1)in view of有鉴于 Eg: We will set a precedent to accept your terms and conditions in view of the long friendly

relationship between us. Eg: In view of this case, we wish you would revert to our proposal.
(2)with a view to or with the view of 以……为目的 Eg: We give/grant you this accommodation with the view of prompting mutual interest. Eg: With a view to ironing out this misunderstanding, we explain as follows.
参 考 文 献
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