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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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interest and requirements. Knowing your readers will enable you to use the same material in different ways to meet their needs, and convince them of your objectives. Also, knowing your reader will influence your choice of language. Is your report circulating among fellow specialists? Is it for a non-technical reader? It is the writer’s job to bring the subject within the understanding of the reader. This is what communication is all about.

The Material
It is at this point that the writer is faced with a number of questions. What is my material? Where do I find it? How much do I need? How do I arrange it? How shall I collect it? The key to all preparation is to keep clearly in your mind the purpose of the report. Bearing this purpose in mind, the first step is to get all your ideas on what could be in the report of your head and on to paper. This can best be done using a kind of brainstorming called “Pattern Notes”:
.  Take a plain sheet of paper and write the main theme in the center.

.  Write down all the ideas and thoughts you have on the subject, starting from the circle and branching out all the lines of connecting ideas.

.  Let your mind be as free as possible. Do not restrict your thoughts by deciding where each point should go in a list. Your ideas should flow easily.

.  When finished, circle any related ideas and sections and establish your order of priorities and organization.


6.3 Writing
There are three main parts at the writing stage:
.  Structure

.  Language

.  Presentation

The writer needs to give form and shape to the report; a basic structure to help the reader digest and the writer to organize and present the material logically. The most common structure is as follows:
Title Page. This includes title, author’s name, recipients, date and reference number.

Contents. This shows all the sections of the report listed in sequence with page references.

Summary. This is a brief statement of the full contents of the body of the report.

Introduction. This is where the writer leads the reader into the report.

Findings. This section can also be called as “body” or “text”. This is the place to present all your materials.

Conclusions. This is a summary of all the conclusions made at intervals throughout the report.

Recommendations. This is the “action center” of your report. This part should offer a solution to any problem or fulfill any requirements implied in terms of reference.

Appendices. This includes glossary of technical terms for the reader’s better understanding.

Acknowledgements. This includes “words of thanks” to people who have helped in the course of preparing and writing the report.

References. This includes the list of unpublished materials not generally available like company papers, research and other reports.

Bibliography. This covers books and other sources readily available which you have used in your research.

Index. This is only necessary in a report of considerable length.

Glossary. This is only necessary if your report has a high level of technical language. This lists the special terms alphabetically and explains them.

Abbreviation. Never use an abbreviation or initial letters without first giving the word or title in full, e.g. Department of Food and Authority (DFA). Having once presented it in this form, you can use the initial letters for the remainder of the report.


Every author is responsible for what is written and for the words chosen to express their thoughts. This is as true for the report writer as for any successful novelist. Words should be chosen every bit as carefully. This is your report, so put it in your words. Do not resort to the outgrown style and language of a bygone age. Writing is a skill. It is not some high art removed beyond the reach of ordinary folk. Like any other craft, it can be learned. When writing a report, the writer should consider the following points when choosing the language to use:
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