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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Ham It Up. You need to use more expression than usual when talking to a large group. You need to ham it up quite considerably to have the same effect as you would have with a group of, say five.

Tone of Voice and Pitch. There is nothing more tedious than listening to talks delivered in a monotonous tone of voice. A voice that moves up and down like a piano scale is much more interesting.

Speak Clearly. Try to make sure that words do not run into one another. If there are tongue twisting words in your talk, practice them so that they come out perfectly.

Speak Up. Make sure you are loud enough for everyone in the room. Practice breathing deeply. This can help quell nerves as well.


Body Language
A quite understanding contribution to your message is made by all those things you do not actually say; the way you stand, the gestures you use, whether you look miserable or happy. Unfortunately, in the unnatural environment of speaking to a group, nervous mannerisms can take over; you cannot bear to look at the audience, you shuffle around or pace up and down. Below are some guidelines on how to overcome these problems:
Look at the Audience. This may be very hard to do but is essential. You need to look at them to see how they are reacting. Are they bored? Asleep? You will worry when the audience stops looking at you for any length of time. Eye contact is vital in order to maintain the interest of the audience in what you are saying.

Smile. Again, this is quite hard to do if you are nervous. Smiling has an added benefit of relaxing your vocal chords – it can help to make your voice sound more interesting.

Avoid Creating Barriers. You need to get as near to your audience as possible. Standing behind a desk sets up a barrier.

Stand Square. Find a comfortable stance. The best position is standing with feet slightly apart. Make sure to keep hands out of pocket.

.  Beware of Distracting Mannerisms. This does not mean standing rigid. Most of us use our hands to some extent to add emphasis to what we are saying and we should not stop doing this. However, waving your arms around all over the place is likely to distract the audience. Jangling keys and coins in pockets or wearing clanking jewelry can also distract.

.  Be Natural. Easier said than done. However, if you concentrate on getting the message across and stop worrying about yourself, you will have more chance of coming over naturally.


4.3 Different Methods of Putting the Message Over
There are many ways open to you to vary the way you actually approach your subject. In longer talks, finding some ways of involving the audience can be helpful in overcoming the concentration problem.
Dealing with Questions
There are good reasons for inviting questions from the audience. The main one is that it helps
contribute towards the message being understood. If one person asks a question about some
aspects they are not clear on, it will help everyone else in the audience.
It is important to tell people there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the talk.
As they listen, questions may occur to them and they can save them up.
Question sessions will help considerably in creating understanding of the subject in the audience.

Visual Aids
There are many different types of visual aids you can use to complement your talk. Below is the importance of using visual aids:
.  They break the whole thing up, which is extremely useful in longer talks.

.  They are visual – a different activity for the audience from passive listening.

. They can help illustrate complex information in a simplified way. Types of Visual Aids:
.  Slides. This either for an overhead projector or a slide projector.
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