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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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.  Be Prepared to Think on Your Feet: If you are asked to participate in a role-playing situation, give short but concise answers. Accept any criticism with tact and grace.

.  Avoid Salary Issues: If you are asked how much money you would expect, try to avoid the issue by using a delaying statement or give a broad range with a $15,000 spread. At this point, you do not know how much the job is worth.

.  Push for a Face-To-Face Meeting: Sell yourself by closing with something like: “I am very interested in exploring the possibility of working in your company. I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you in person so we can both better evaluate each other. I am free either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. Which would be better for you?”

.  Try to Reschedule Surprise Interviews: You will not be your best with a surprise interview. If you were called unexpectedly, try to set an appointment to call back by saying something like: “I have a scheduling conflict at this time. Can I call you back tomorrow after work, say 6 PM?”

9.2 Making a Good Impression
Here’s what you should keep in mind the day of the interview and immediately afterward.
Before the Interview
Be on time. Being on time (or early) is usually interpreted by the interviewer as evidence of your commitment, dependability and professionalism.

Be positive and try to make others feel comfortable. Show openness by leaning into a greeting with a firm handshake and smile. Don't make negative comments about current or former employers.

Relax. Think of the interview as a conversation, not an interrogation. And remember, the interviewer is just as nervous about making a good impression on you.

During the Interview
Show self-confidence. Make eye contact with the interviewer and answer his questions in a clear voice. Work to establish a rapport with the interviewer.

Remember to listen. Communication is a two-way street. If you are talking too much, you will probably miss cues concerning what the interviewer feels is important.

Reflect before answering a difficult question. If you are unsure how to answer a question, you might reply with another question. For example, if the interviewer asks you what salary you expect, try answering by saying “That is a good question. What are you planning to pay your best candidate?”

When it is your turn, ask the questions you have prepared in advance. These should cover any information about the company and job position you could not find in your own research.

Do not ask questions that raise red flags. Ask, “Is relocation a requirement?” and the interviewer may assume that you do not want to relocate at all. Too many questions about vacation may cause the interviewer to think you are more interested in taking time off than helping the company. Make sure the interviewer understands why you are asking these questions.

Show you want the job. Display your initiative by talking about what functions you could perform that would benefit the organization, and by giving specific details of how you have helped past employers. You might also ask about specific details of the job position, such as functions, responsibilities, who you would work with, and who you would report to.

Avoid negative body language. An interviewer wants to see how well you react under pressure. Avoid these signs of nervousness and tension:

o  Frequently touching your mouth

o  Faking a cough to think about the answer to a question

o  Gnawing on your lip

o  Tight or forced smiles

o  Swinging your foot or leg

o  Folding or crossing your arms

o  Slouching

o  Avoiding eye contact
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