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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

音频会议。音频会议是指两人或多人之间的语音通信。用户可以通过普通电话或音频会议终端来参加会议。终端用户可能由支持三个或三个以上地点之间实时通信的多媒体会议服务器( MCS)协助接入会议,也可能是直接以音频参加者身份参加多媒体网络会议。


4.IP网络会议。 IP网络会议是指基于 IP的、采用不同类型网络的众多互联网网址之间进行的实时语音、视频和数据通信。这意味着用户可以不受其所用网络类型和所处位置的限制,随时会面并实现信息共享。


1.account n.账目

(1)on /for one’s account; on / for the account of sb.
Eg: All the expenses prior to shipment are for/on seller’s account.
Eg: We buy the goods for / on the account of Messers Freeman & Co..

(2)on account of因为,由于(多作状语用) Eg: Your designs and colors do not suit the local market on account of different taste. Eg: On account of lack of direct vessel, please allow transshipment in your L/C.


(1)due to(作表语昀常见)
Eg: The delay of delivery is due to seamen’s strike.

(2)owing to(作状语昀常见)
Eg: The price was wrong owing to clerical mistake.

(3)because of(一般常用表达)
Eg: The damage occurred because of careless packing.

(4)thanks to(含幸亏、多亏之意)

Eg: Thanks to your information in detail, our marketing research could be fulfilled within such a short time.
2.advantage n.
Eg: This new market opened up last year has many advantages.

(2)优势,利益 (=benefit, interest) Eg: In this respect , Japanese manufacturers have an advantage over their opponents in

America. Eg: To let the matter drag on would be detrimental to our mutual advantage. 常用短语:take advantage of sth.
(1)利用(=avail oneself of , make use of )
Eg: We cannot take advantage of your offer as it is unacceptable to most buyers.


Eg: We take advantage of this opportunity to express our thanks to you for your close cooperation.
3.agree  v.同意
常用短语:agree with sb.同意某人见解
agree on or upon双方商定
agree to sth.同意,接受
agree in sth.取得共识
as agreed按照商定
Eg: We agree with what the buyer says on this point.
Eg: Both parties agree on the contract terms.
Eg: We regret that the seller didn’t agree to our views.
Eg: We don’t agree in sharing the allowance of $ 230.
Eg: This contract is drawn up on the following terms and conditions as agreed.
agreeable  adj.(主语是事物时)合意的
Eg: We are agreeable to your suggestion about packing.
Eg: Your table-cloth is agreeable to the taste of local market.
agreement  n.协议,协定
Eg: The agreement between China and Japan has it possible for some major import and
export items to increase from year to year on a stable and long-term basis. 常用短语:come to /make /arrived at an agreement with与某人达成协议 Eg: A barter agreement has been made between the two governments.
4.assure v.保证,使确信(=ensure)
assure 和 ensure虽同义,但用法各异,见下列常用结构。

(1)assure sb. of sth.向某人保证某事,使某人确信(人做主语时,多用此句型表示向某人保证或承诺某事)
Eg: We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter.
Eg: We assure you that we’ll give this matter our prompt attention.

(2)be (rest) assured of请放心,请确信(在此作系动词)
Eg: You may rest assured of our close cooperation at all times.
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