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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Question 1
What are the purposes of letter writing?
Question 2
How should letters be written?
Question 3
What are the factors to be considered when you are writing to people you have never met?
Question 4
Explain briefly the “ABC” of writing.
Question 5
Assume that you are the owner of the buildings in a twenty-storey retail center. Since the center opened 2 years ago, costs have risen so much that next year’s rent is to be raised by 15%. Compose a letter addressed to your tenants advising them of the raise in rental fee.
Question 6
Mr. Justin wrote a letter to the manufacturer of an electric blanket, asking that it be replaced under the terms of its two-year guarantee. It was given to him as a wedding present 28 months ago. It was used one season. Then, it was washed and stored for the next season while he was overseas. It was guaranteed for two seasons, but it had been used for only one. When he returned, the blanket would not heat; he returned it to the manufacturer,
Although the washing instructions that were attached to the blanket stipulated that it be tumble washed, it had apparently been squeezed (either by wringer or by hand). The damaged wires will not permit current to flow. The guarantee has expired anyway. It was not for two years of use; rather, it was for two years from the date it was purchased by a consumer. The blanket is to be returned.
As the manager, reply to Mr. Justin’s note.



商务信函的开头部分包括以下四个方面:①写信人的地址( letter head);②日期( date);
③收信人地址( inside address);④称呼( salutation)。开头部分一般包括公司名称和地址,也可包含电报挂号、电传挂号、传真号码、电话号码、网址(web site)、电子邮件地址( e-mail address)等内容。它通常采取印刷方式或打字方式,如下图所示。



具体来讲,日期可以用数字(序数词与基数词均可);月份要用英语全称,不能使用缩写,更不要以数字代替。这是因为美式英语与英式英语对日期的理解不同,容易引起误会。例如:6/7 2007 在英式英语中是 2007年 7月 6日而在美式英语中则是 6月 7日。因此,正确的写法应是“July 7,2007”或“June 6,2007”,这样才清楚,不至于引起误会。








称呼。它是正文的开头。就像两个人见面说“ Hello”,“称呼”这部分起着同样礼貌的问候作用。称呼又叫“抬头”,是写信人对收信人的称谓,后面一般紧跟姓氏或姓名的全称。称呼从左边顶格写起,写在信内地址下至少两行。可使用的礼节性称呼很多,具体要视写信人和收信人的关系而定。
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