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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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.  Selecting among Alternatives. The whole purpose of critical thinking is to equip you to make intelligent choices. When you consider the multiple choices you face every day, you can materially increase the quality of your life by making those choices with a critical and creative mind. Examining the grounds for your decisions, their underlying assumptions, their consequences, any qualifiers or reservations you may find, and the quality of any supporting materials is the essence of critical thinking, and can become an excellent habit of mind.
The brief introduction is only that – a place for you to learn about the main elements that you can use when you attempt to make sense out of all the information you encounter daily. To sift through the enormous flow of data to which you are subjected every day requires rigorous effort. This effort is made easier with tools that help to divide the information into manageable units. The deductive and inductive patterns show how generalities are used to produce premises and conclusions about the world. The Toulmin system is an especially clear and useful way to categorize parts of the reasoning process to help you sort out and test the rules of logic as they operate in your life.

Question 1
What is meant by critical thinking?
Question 2
What does the writer Josina Makau have to say about critical thinking?
Question 3
Explain the following approaches to reasoning:


The Toulmin Model

Question 4
Enumerate the 5 criteria of informed decision making.
Question 5
Define each of the following:




Question 6
What is meant by brainstorming?



思考(to think over; to ponder on; to reflect on; to deliberate)指的是人们进行分析﹑综合﹑推理﹑判断等的思维活动。它有两个层次:一是无意识的思考,我们平时吃饭,喝水,走路唱歌都会耗费脑细胞,这种思考是简单形式的,最基本的神经元活动;而另外一个则是高层次的思考。也就是说,能够产生思想的思考。按智力结构论的解释,人类的智力乃是思考的表现,而在思考的整个心理活动中,则包括思考之内容( content)运作( operation)以及思考之产物(product)三个心理向度。
思考可分为批判性思考,收敛(聚敛)性思考和扩散性思考。收敛(聚敛)性思考(convergent thinking)指的是在详细占有相关材料的基础上,对材料进行概括分析,提取众多材料中的相同(或相近)的因子,并加以归纳提炼,形成新的、具有共性特征的典型的思维活动过程。在学校中的知识学习以至智力测验所测的智力,均属聚敛性思考的能力。扩散性思考( divergent thinking)指个体凭借思考解决问题时,针对问题情境,可同时想到数个可能的解决方式,而不囿于单一答案或钻牛角尖式的探求。像此种超越即有知识未必遵循常规的思考方式,一般称为创造(creativity)。
从现有检索资料看,“批判性思考”的概念是由国外学者首先提出的。现有的研究和实践也基本上是以西方哲学、历史、文化、社会等为背景发展起来的。对中国人来说,“批判性思考”这一术语基本算是个舶来品。有的学者也将批判性思考(Critical Thinking)译作批判性思维。关于其定义,可谓众说纷纭,至今未取得一致看法。研究者从不同的研究角度对其进行了不同的表述。
1.从认知功能角度。约翰·查菲( John Chafee)在《批判性思维》一书中提出,批判性思维的实质是仔细检查我们自己的思维和他人的思维,使我们的理解力得以提高,从而更清晰、更全面地认识世界。
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