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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

装帐篷的箱子损坏,似乎在运输过程中已被打开。根据贵方第 678号发票,我方估计有 20件帐篷及若干照明附件被盗,价值 3200英镑。由于箱子被翻乱,箱内物品已经起皱或染上污迹,无法作为新商品在我方北京的销售处出售。
To whom it may concern, Our Order No. 234 We are writing to you to complain about the shipment of Camping Tents we received yesterday against the above order. The boxes in which the camping tents were packed were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open in transit. From your invoice No. 678 we estimate that a number of accessory lights as well as twenty tents have been stolen to the value of about £3200. And because of the rummaging in the boxes, quite a few other tents were crushed or stained and therefore cannot be sold as new articles in our outlets here in Beijing. As the deal was on CIF basis and the forwarding company was your agents, we suggest you contact them with regard to compensation. You will find a list of the damaged and missing articles attached, and the consignment will be put aside until we receive your instructions. Yours sincerely,

首先,告之引起索赔的事实并合理地引用例证( Tell the facts that caused the claim and cite the facts reasonably.);

其次,对事实的描述应当具体( The description of facts should be concrete, such as quoting the file number, the date of delivery, the goods concerned, etc.);

指出由于发生的损失和丢失所带来的不便( Refer to the inconvenience caused by the damage and loss incurred.);

4.然后,提出解决问题的建议( Suggest a way to settle the issue.);

昀后,礼貌地表达你方希望早日解决问题的意愿( Express hope for an early solution of the problem courteously.)。


1.This is not the first time a delay in delivery has occurred, and the increasing frequency of the trouble compels us to point out that business on these conditions cannot be continued for long.


2.Case No. 21 was found to be 5 packages short. As the case was in good shape and does not appear to have been tampered with, we surmise that they must have been short-shipped. Please do not trouble to send a replacement, but adjust your invoice.

第 21箱发现少了 5包。因箱子完好无损,也没有损坏的迹象。我方推测一定是寄少了。请不必另寄,但请改正发票。

3.We find that you have sent us an article marked BO/56 instead of the VP/56 we ordered. As the articles sent are not of the type we stock, we must ask for replacement by the correct number as soon as possible.

我方发觉运来之货物为编号 BO/56,而非我方所订的 VP/56。因来货与我方的订购不符,恳请贵公司尽早更换。

4.Although we have had no news from you since your letter of the 12th of last month, we have no doubt that you did ship the goods on the 20th as agreed, but owing to your failure to keep us informed, we have not been able to obtain insurance coverage and the goods are therefore being carried at your risk.

虽然自上月 12日以来,我公司未曾收到贵公司任何来函,我方仍确知该批货品已于本月 20日装载上船,由于我们未能预先取得联系,我公司已无法对该货投保,故该货应由贵公司负责保险。

5.You will recognize that we are accordingly in a position to repudiate the whole contract, but such a drastic step would be most unwelcome to us. It is clear, however, that we are entitled to some compensation, and we should be glad to hear of the allowance you are prepared to make to meet the case.


6.With reference to our Order No.315 executed by you, we have to inform you that owing to negligent packing, several bales were damaged to such an extent that we are compelled to dispose of them at a greatly reduced price.
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