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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Badmouth your current or former employer.

Ask “How am I doing? Are you going to hire me?”

Blurt out, “I need to make at least $35,000. I hope this job pays at least that much” near the beginning of the interview.

When asked “Do you have any questions?”, reply “No”.

9.4 Negotiating Job Offers
Principles for Negotiating: The Commandments of Employment Negotiations Taking into consideration those things that make employment negotiations unique, together with generally applicable negotiating principles, basic principles were developed which are referred to as the Commandments of Employment Negotiations 1 . These principles apply in every employment negotiation.
Commandment 1: Be Prepared
1 Lee Miller. Get More Money on Your Next Job. New York: The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 1998.
Preparation is critical when negotiating the terms of your employment. The more information you have, the more successful you will be. This is the first commandment because it is the most important single thing you can do to ensure that you get the best deal possible.
Commandment 2: Recognize That Employment Negotiations Are Unique
Employment negotiations are different from other types of negotiations. They are not a one-shot deal like buying a house or a car. When the employment negotiations are over, you will have to work with your former “adversary” on a daily basis; more important, your career success may depend on the person with whom you have just finished negotiating. Therefore, even though you want to negotiate the best possible deal, you need to proceed in a way that doesn’t tarnish your image.
Commandment 3: Understand Your Needs and Those of Your Prospective Employer
Understanding what you want and what a company can do within its own organizational and budgetary constraints will enable you to determine what trade-offs are possible in order to maximize what you get. This knowledge will also enable you to walk away from a job when a company cannot offer the type of compensation package that suits your needs.
Commandment 4: Understand the Dynamics of the Particular Negotiations
Sometimes you will have skills or experience for which there is a great demand. You may be the only qualified candidate to have made it through the interview process, and the company would like to hire someone quickly. Similarly, if you have been able to defer discussing compensation until the company has determined you are the best candidate for the job, your bargaining position will be greatly strengthened. These are enviable positions to be in.
Commandment 5: Never Lie, but Use the Truth to Your Advantage
Honesty is important. If you lie during the negotiations, sooner or later you are likely to be caught. Once you are caught lying, you lose all credibility. Even if you don't lose the job, you will be placed at a tremendous disadvantage, and your future credibility on the job will be undermined.
Commandment 6: Understand the Role That Fairness Plays in the Process
The guiding principle for most employers in determining what they will agree to is fairness. Within the constraints of their budget and organization structure, employers will usually agree to anything that is fair and reasonable in order to hire someone they want. Appeals to fairness are the most powerful weapon available in employment negotiations. Sometimes such an appeal may even convince an employer of the need to adjust its salary structure or increase the amount of money budgeted for a position.
Commandment 7: Use Uncertainty to Your Advantage
If an employer is not certain what it will take to recruit you, its initial offer is likely to be close to its best offer. If you have divulged too much information, it will likely not offer you as much as it might have otherwise. By not disclosing exactly what your compensation package is or exactly what it would take to get you to leave your current job, you will force a potential employer to give you its best offer.
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