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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者


4.With regard to the loss in weight, we would suggest that you make your claim with the forwarding agent, as in a case of this kind, we really cannot accept any liability.


5.We greatly regret the annoyance caused you by the delayed delivery of your Order No.40. We could put forward some excuse, but refrain from doing so because our mistake is in no way pardonable.

因迟运订单第 40号的货物而导致您的困扰,我方非常抱歉。我方情有可原,但我方不愿解释。因为错误总是不可原谅的。
6.We propose to have the goods inspected immediately. If the inspection confirms the accuracy of your estimate, generous compensation will be allowed at once.


7.As the articles were packed with the utmost care, we can only conclude that the damaged case has been stored or handled carelessly. We have reported your claim to your insurance company.


8.As stipulated in the contract, a minor discrepancy in colors is permissible. That is why the case you brought up is still under a normal practice.


9.All the items for export must be under the tight seal which ensures that we always put the Total Quality Control into execution.

汇丰银行商务写作教程:这是汇丰银行内部培训员工用的商务写作课程。它把写作分为五步:计划、组织、草稿、修改和编辑。分成 8章讲解。讲解的时候举具体的例子做示范,对提高商务写作能力很有帮助。今天我们就来了解一下教程的体系和学习计划。
Chapter 1 Plan your writing Chapter 2 Organize your writing Chapter 3 Draft and revise your writing to make it complete Chapter 4 Revise your writing to make it cohesive Chapter 5 Revise your writing to make it clear and concise Chapter 6 Revise your writing to make it courteous Chapter 7 Structure difficult letters Chapter 8 Edit your writing Welcome to “Writing for Results”, a course that can help you enhance your English writing skills. HSBC has designed this course for its staff in the Asia Pacific region. HSBC staff study this course to improve the e-mails, memos, faxes and letters they write at work. If you’ve never written business documents before, you’ll find this course extremely useful. Even if you’re familiar with business writing, this course can still help you. “Writing for Results” will help you write in a modern style. By the end of this course you’ll be able to write business documents that are: better organized, more complete, clearer and more concise, more courteous, more correct. The most important feature of the Writing Process is its five stages: plan – organize – draft – revise – edit Good writers follow the five stages of the Writing Process to
– meet their readers’ expectations

– get the results they want. 


Chapter 6  Report Writing

For most of us, the transfer of words on to paper means a lot of hard work; and often there is no
certainty that the end product will justify the time and effort spent on it. Why is there a
reluctance to put words on paper? Most of us find the approach to writing difficult. We must take
the anxiety out of writing, so that it becomes a challenge rather than a chore.
Good writing requires skill; this can be learned through a systematic approach using clear,
practical guidelines.

6.1 Objectives
Report writing is the biggest writing task that faces anyone at work. But it covers, by association,
the whole spectrum of writing at work. The same basic rules apply throughout, whether you are
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