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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Eg: You may be assured that we shall always keep our close cooperation.
ensure的常用句型: ensure+直接宾语
ensure + 从句(人作主语,多用于表示某人保证某事)

Eg: We have done everything possible to ensure its being completed in time.
Eg: We have done everything possible to ensure that it will be completed in time.
assure和 ensure在以事作主语时可通用
Eg: Close cooperation will ensure / assure more benefit in promoting this line.

5.bid  n.递价,递盘(买方发给卖方的报盘)常用句型:make sb. a bid at a price for sth.为某物向某人递价 Eg: The Japanese buyers are unwilling to make a bid. You will try your best to get one from
them. Eg: We made a bid at RMB 2300 per metric ton FOB EMP.
常用句型:bid a price for sth.为某物出价
Eg: Last time they bid $ 1800 per ton for Green Tea; this time they may do a little better.
Eg: No other buyers have bid higher than this rate.

6.book v.预订,订购,登记入册,买进

(1)book an order with sb.向某人订货
(2)book one’s order for把某人订货记载入帐 Eg: We have booked shipping space on “East Wind”, which is scheduled to arrive in London on or about August 10. Eg: As we are fully booked with orders, we regret being unable to satisfy your requirements
for this article at present. Eg: Please let us know if you may book your order at the adjusted price. bookings n.订货(=commitment) Eg: Owing to heavy bookings / commitments, we cannot accept fresh business. Eg: We have too heavy bookings / commitments to allow us to take on any orders.
7.case n.事例,案例
Eg: It seems that we have to refer the case to arbitration.
常用短语:(1)in case (=if,间或可与 provided换用)
Eg: In that case the L/C arrives tomorrow, we still have time to rush the shipment.

(须注意的是 If从句假设的可能性比 in case大些,而且在表示将来的从句中, will和 would皆可不用)
Eg: We can arrange the shipment provided that your L/C comes to our hand before the end of this month.
(2)in case of万一,如果发生 (= in the event of)
Eg: Please inform us by return in case of delay.

(3)in any case不管怎样,无论如何 (与 in any rate , in no case完全可通用 )

Eg: We admit that the quality of your goods is slightly better, but the gap in price should, in no case, be as big as 10%.
(4)such being the case情况既然如此(独立主格结构)
Eg: Such being the case, you have no cause for complain.

8.charge v.记账,收费
Eg: The extra premium will be charged to your account.
Eg: We charge you $50 for storage for these machines.
charge  n.费用(多用复数形式)
Eg: Processing charges are very expensive.
Eg: Samples will be free of charge.

9.claim  n.索赔,收汇

常用句型: lodge a claim with sb. for sth.为某事向某人提出索赔
raise a claim against sb. for sth.
file a claim on sb. for sth.

可换用的动词或短语还有:put in, set up, make, issue, lay, register
Eg: We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality against the seller.
Eg: They have raised a claim on the goods for $ 530 on account of short weight.
Eg: Our claim on your L/C No.55 has not been paid yet.

常用短语:claim … from sb. for sth.为某物向某人索赔……
Eg: We claim RMB 20000 from the insurance company.
Eg: They claimed the payment from their client in Australia.

10.commission  n.佣金(指卖方给中间商或代理人的酬金,通常计算在货价内,说成含佣金百分之几)
Eg: The above price is inclusive of your 2% commission. Eg: You have short-calculated our commission, and there are two items of commission left unpaid.
(1)discount n.折扣(指卖方给买方的一种优待,现在与 commission无严格区别,只是不计算在货价中)
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