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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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思考二:认知 ——导入期的广告诉求
在导入期,要让消费者认知“第 5季”是健力宝新推出的产品,是年轻消费者青睐的,很酷,很流行。广告诉求内容是产品的初级概念:有这样一个产品;这个产品是谁生产的;适合什么人用等。
所以,导入期的广告诉求要很抢“眼球”,简单明了,广告密度要大。“第 5季”的这一点做得很好。“现在流行第 5季”的广告语和电视广告画面将产品的初级概念都包含在其中。
思考三:认可 ——上升期的广告诉求
在大家都知道“第 5季”后,大家要了解的是“第 5季”的功效和特性。比如:“第 5季”系列饮料里的维 C可乐,你有没有将这个产品区别于其他可乐的特点和概念 ——“加维 C的汽水更健康”传递给消费者呢?你不说,消费者怎么知道你“白里透红,与众不同”,从而将你的产品从别的产品中区分出来,并产生好感,达到认同,最终购买,产生品牌依赖呢?
Chapter 3  Effective Listening
3.1 Listening as an Interpersonal Skill
Want to get a job? Want to keep a job? Want to get promoted? If so, become a good listener. Good listening habits pay off in several ways:
Good listeners are liked by others because they satisfy the basic human needs of being heard and being wanted.

Job performance is improved when downward oral messages are received and understood.

Accurate feedback from subordinates provides confidence for management about job performance.

Superiors and subordinates both may acquire greater job security from fewer mistakes or ignored messages.

Listening opens doors for ideas and thus encourages creativity.

Learning will be enhanced.

Job satisfaction increases when people know what is going on, when they are heard, and

when they participate in the mutual trust that develops from good communication. As a skill, listening depends on our abilities to receive and decode both worded and unworded messages. The best devised messages and sophisticated communication systems will not work unless people on the receiving end of oral messages actually listen. Senders of oral messages must assume their receivers can and will listen, just as senders of written messages must assume their receivers can and will read. Most managers spend a major part of their day listening and speaking with subordinates, superiors, customers, and a variety of business or industry colleagues and associates. In business, government and education, listening is a part of face-to-face communication. It constitutes an interpersonal skill as critical as the skill of speaking. Keep in mind, however, that the need for listening occurs in two types of situations: (1) face-to-face situations of an interview nature, and (2) formal situation in which an audience listens to a speaker. One is intimate, the other is impersonal. In the formal speech-listening situation, the speaker intends to provide the audience with information in such a way that listeners will accept the message and perhaps act in a way the speaker intended. The primary difference between face-to-face interview listening and speech listening is the limited opportunity for the speech maker and the audience to provide feedback and to adjust to it. Formal speakers obtain broad but limited feedback from audiences, which may enable speakers to adapt their messages to the feedback. At the same time, the audiences receive little speakers feedback short of interrupting the speech for clarification. We engage in formal listening to varying degrees when listening to a speech, sermon, or lecture. We engage in interview-type listening when we are in face-to-face, two-person situations or in small group discussion. For many people, face-to-face meetings consume most of their working time.
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