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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Section 8 办理保险后通知函
按:订单 0204号 500箱玩具

兹确认收到贵方 7月 20日的来函,此函要求我方将标题货物投保保险,保险费由贵方
承担。我方已向中国人民保险公司替上述货物按金额 2200英镑投保了综合险。我方正按要求开列保险单,并将在下周二将保险单连同保险费的索费通知单一并寄给
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Re: Your Order No. 0204 for 500 Cases of Toys
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 20 requesting us to effect insurance
on the captioned shipment for your account.
We are pleased to inform you that we have covered the above shipment with the People’s
Insurance Company of China against all risks for £2200.
The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by next Tuesday together
with our debit note for the premium.
Yours sincerely,

这是一种办理保险后的通知函。通常,在 FOB或 CFR条件下,买方可能会要求卖方代替买方办理保险。当然,保险费仍然由买方负担。通常情况下,卖方考虑双方合作关系会予以办理。此信函就是卖方办理保险后通知买方的信函。
the contract number);

对货物的简单描述( a brief description of the goods);

保险人和被保险人( the insurer and the insured);

the insurance rate);

the type of insurance)。

1.We will arrange insurance on your behalf.

2.Please cover (insure) the goods with Particular Average.

3.We have insured the above goods at invoice value plus 10%.

我方已将上述货物按发票金额加 10%投保。
4.Please see to it that the above mentioned goods should be shipped before March 18 and
the goods should be covered for 150% of invoice value against all risks. 请注意,上述货物必须在 3月 18日前装出,保险须按发票价格的 150%投保综合险。
5.In the absence of definite instructions from our clients, we will cover insurance WPA and War Risk according to usual practice.
6.We will cover insurance ourselves on 500 pieces of bicycles under Contract No. 1234. 我方将自行办理第 1234号合同项下的 500辆自行车的保险。
7.We usually effect insurance with the People’s Insurance Company of China against all risks, as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China, dated the 1st January, 1981.
8.The additional insurance premium is for the buyer’s account.

9.We will effect insurance against all risks, as requested, charging premium and freight to you.
10.The extra premium will, of course, be refunded to you upon receipt of your debit note, or, if you like, you may draw a sight draft on us for the amount.
11.Please let us know whether your price covers the risk of TPND.

12.Please arrange the insurance as per our request and in the meantime we await your shipping advice.
13.The insurance company insures Risk of Breakages with 5% franchise.
保险公司对保险破碎险有 5%的免赔限度。

14.The premium is calculated according to the premium rate or rates for risks to be covered.
Section 9 提出投诉信函
(一)例信敬启者:订单号码 No.234今就我公司昨日收到的骑士营帐篷装运不当一事向贵方提出申诉。该批帐篷是根据上
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