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时间:2011-08-31 14:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

关于贵方处理的第 315号订单,我方必须通知您,由于包装疏忽,几包货损非常严重。所以我方必须大减价处理这些货物。

7.We found half the goods broken (smashed, torn, beyond repairable, unusable, unsalable, damaged).


8.When unpacking the bale (case, etc.), we found that the color (weight, quality, finish) is unsatisfactory.

9.We regret to point out that a shortage in weight of 210 lbs. was noticed when the goods
arrived. 我方遗憾地指出,货物到达时发现轻了 210磅。
10.There is a discrepancy between the packing list of case No.15 and your invoice: 3 dozen
Tea Services are correctly entered on the invoice but there were only 2 dozen in the case. 第 15号箱的装箱单与发票不符,发票所列为 3打茶具,而箱内只装了 2打。
Section 10接受对方投诉
(一)例信敬启者:谢谢来信通知我方所交运的货物(发票号码 XY678)受损。从贵我双方以往的交易中贵方应当了解,这次事件纯属偶然。但我方还是为给贵方造
成的麻烦深表歉意。请将所有的货物退还给。我方将请船运公司来检查损失,以便赔偿。这件事不需我方的保险公司处理。如果贵方希望我方根据 AB456号订单再次运货,请通知我方。我方仍有那批服装的存货,并能于两周内发货。谨上
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for informing us about the damage to our shipment (invoice No. XY678) of your
From our previous transactions you will realize that this sort of problem is quite unusual.

Nevertheless, we would apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you.
Please return the whole consignment to us, and we will ask the shipping company to inspect the
damage so that they can arrange compensation. It is unlikely that our insurance company needs
to be troubled with this case.
If you want us to send you another shipment as per your order No. AB456, please let us know.
We have the garments in stock and would be able to effect shipment within two weeks.
Yours sincerely,


首先,确认收到投诉并尽快回复( Confirm receipt of the claim and give an answer as quick as possible no matter whether there is a time limit or not.);

感谢对方提请你方注意此事(Express thanks to the opposite party for giving attention to the matter.);

对所发生的事表示遗憾并真诚地希望解决问题( Show regret for what has happened and a sincere wish for resolving the problem.);

4.承诺认真调查该事件( Promise to look into the matter carefully.);

当接受对方要求时,提出解决问题的基本原则;当不接受对方要求时,要在信中做出解释或建议对方向合适的部门提出索赔( When accepting the demand of the opposite party, put forward the principle for resolving the problem; when not accepting, an explanation should be made in the letter, or suggest forwarding the claim to the right department.);

表示热切地希望和对方继续商务关系并期盼未来的合作( Show enthusiasm to continue the business relations with the opposite party and wish for further cooperation.)。


1.Considering the long and agreeable course of business which we have carried on together, we make you an offer of $12 per meter as allowance for inferiority of the quality, which we trust you will see your way to accept.

考虑到贵我双方长期的友好关系,对这次发生质量上的问题,我方特别给予每米 12美元的折扣,相信贵公司定能接受。

2.We have closely examined the sample taken from our last consignment and find it in no way different in quality from the TP415 that we have here in stock. We can only surmise that there must be a mistake somewhere.

我方已严格检查委托寄买的样品,发现其质量与现存库中的 TP415号货并无不同。我方猜测这其中一定是有什么误会。
3.This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration.
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