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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Sensitivity: in relation to levels of performance.

Transparency: the observed understand the performance criteria against which they are being rated; availability of reliability and validity data.

Usability: easy to train, simple framework, easy to understand, domain appropriate language, sensitive to rater workload, easy to observe.

Can provide a focus for training goals and needs.

Baselines for performance criteria are used appropriately for experience level of ratee (i.e. ab initio vs. experienced ratees).

Minimal overlap between components.

7  What are the limitations of behavioural marker systems? Cannot capture every aspect of performance and behaviour due to:
Limited occurrence of some behaviours;

.  These are important but infrequent behaviours, such as conflict resolution.

Limitations of human observers – distraction, overload (e.g. in complex situations, large teams).

8  What considerations must be made when using a behavioural marker system?
Raters require extensive training (initial and recurrent) and calibration.

Behavioural marker systems do not transfer across domains and cultures without adaptation (e.g. western markers in eastern cultures, or from aviation to medicine).

Behavioural marker systems need proper implementation into an organisation, and need management and workforce support.

.  phased introduction of behavioural marker systems required to build confidence and expertise in raters and ratees.

Application of the behavioural marker system must be sensitive to the stage of professional development of the individual, and to the maturity of the organisational and professional culture (e.g. whether used as a diagnostic, training, and/or assessment tool).

Use must consider context (e.g. crew experience, workload, operating environment, operational complexity).

9  What are special considerations when using a behavioural marker system for assessment?
The use of a behavioural marker system in a formal assessment of non-technical aspects of performance presents significant challenges. The behavioural marker system must capture the context in which the assessment is made (e.g. crew dynamics and experience, operating environment, operational complexity). For example, in a team endeavour, the behaviour of one crew member can be adversely or positively impacted by another, resulting in a substandard or inflated performance rating. Behavioural marker systems should be designed to detect and record such effects.
10  What are prerequisites to be a trainer for a behavioural marker course?
Qualifications required of the persons who will deliver a formal course to train, calibrate, and qualify raters (evaluators) using the behavioural marker system:
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(97)