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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT  Environment for open communication was established and maintained  Good cross talk – flow of information was fluid, clear, and direct  G 
LEADERSHIP  Captain showed leadership and co-ordinated flight deck activities  In command, decisive, and encouraged crew participation  G 
Key to Phase: P =Pre-departure/Taxi; T =Takeoff /Climb; D =Descent/Approach/Land; G =Global 

1=poor  2=marginal  3=good  4=outstanding 
Observed  Observed  Observed  Observed 
performance had  performance was  performance was  performance was 
safety implications  barely adequate  effective  truly noteworthy 


4  The JARTEL project (Joint Aviation Requirements – Translation and Elaboration of Legislation)
The following text has been extracted from the GIHRE report
In 1998, a European project team was established to work on the JARTEL project. This team was funded by the European Commission (DG TREN) and consisted of the following partners: Alitalia, British Airways, Airbus, DERA (UK), DLR (G), IMASSA (F), NLR (N), Sofreavia (F) and University of Aberdeen (UK), several of whom had been involved in the NOTECHS project. The basic aim of the JARTEL project was to conduct initial tests of the NOTECHS behavioural marker system to ascertain whether it was a) reliable, b) usable, and c) culturally robust across European operators. This project began with a literature review to determine the main cultural clusters relating to flight deck crews’ behaviour patterns in Europe. This was followed by an experimental study with 105 training captains from larger and smaller operators located in the five main cultural clusters using the NOTECHS system. An operational study involving a number of airlines has been completed.
JARTEL WP5 gives a general overview of the NOTECHS method and answers practical questions in relation to the implementation of the method within airlines.

5  LMQ CRM Standards
The following information has been provided by LMQ, specialists in CRM facilitation skills training, and, whilst not formally validated behavioural markers, nevetheless offers an informal method of distinguishing between good and bad CRM.
The list in Table 3 is a compilation of the views of several hundred training captains in response to the following questions:
Can you recall flying with a person who you regarded as professional and why did you think that?

Can you recall flying with a person who you felt was a liability and why did you think that?

An observation of this 5 year research was that the lists generated by the groups interviewed were uncannily similar and took little time to recall. This has led therefore to the conclusion that the majority of training captains and probably line pilots already have a consistent knowledge about what CRM standards should be, and are also able to recognise these standards.
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