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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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The main difference which exists between the Classroom and the Simulator environment is the absence of almost all visual communication. It is necessary therefore, for the Examiner to be as alert as the SFI/TRI in the observation of the crew communication throughout the exercise. It is essential for the discipline of note taking to be rigorously applied in the darkened environment of the Simulator because of the difficulties of writing, observing and listening to crew interaction coupled with the many technical and piloting skill distractions which may or may not have a bearing on the CRM aspects.
In teaching CRM, and indeed its assessment for the benefit of crew development, the Examiner should expect the TRI/SFI to use the “Flight Freeze” facility in the early stages of the training to highlight CRM issues in addition to technical issues.
However the sooner the Instructor permits the crew to operate in “whole scenarios” from beginning to end without interruption, the sooner the crew will benefit from experiencing the outcome of their procedures, consultative processes and actions the better will be their autonomous learning development. It is this management of student CRM skill development towards the autonomy of the “LOFT” scenario which the Examiner will require of the Instructor.
Although all the principles of the Classroom environment apply to the Debriefing of the candidate after the LOFT, the main difference with regard to CRM Debriefing of the Flight Crew by the Instructor lies in the expectation of almost a totally Facilitative style by the Instructor under examination. The Instructor should exhibit the skills of Facilitation whilst maintaining the clear objectives to which the crew’s path of discovery will lead. For the Examiner to know what those objectives are, he must first question the Instructor what those objectives and conclusions are before the Instructor delivers the Debrief.
Otherwise Examiner behaviour must mirror that described in the Classroom scenario with regard to Debriefing and delivering the verdict on the Instructor’s performance.

2.4 Assessment of CRM Instructors in the Aircraft Environment
When teaching in the aircraft, whether it be on any empty sector or during a revenue flight, SAFETY is of prime importance. At no time should the Instructor or Line Trainer or Examiner permit any situation to arise which would jeopardise the safety of the aircraft and its occupants. Neither should the Examiner or Instructor under Check act in any way as “agent provocateur” in order to stimulate a potentially dangerous situation.
Clearly, whereas much of the Examiner activity in an aircraft mirrors that in the Simulator, the Examiner must be prepared to interject at any time safety is threatened, even only with advice should he not be designated as Aircraft Commander.
Otherwise the guidelines given for Examining Conduct are common to the three CRM Instructor examining scenarios.
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