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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Table 1  'Model' Crew Resource Management (CRM) Course and Human Factors Appreciation
1. Introduction  Objective of the course Definition of CRM 
2. Statistical authentication of CRM requirement  (75% of all incidents...) Examples of HF related accidents Video/ audio/ reports/ diagrams 
3. HF - human perception  Visual limitations (eye-brain link) Illusions - landing, 'whiteout', cloud Airmiss and collision problems (relate to item 2 above) Aural limitation (ear-brain link) purpose of semi-circular canals (relate to item 2 above) 
4. Skills required by pilot (selection)  Psychomotor Level of intelligence Personality type Personal qualities Leadership Team membership 
5. HF - Learning process  Memory and recall Limitations of memory and recall Methods of learning (visual, aural, tactile retention assisted by reinforcement) Types of knowledge Skill based Rule based Knowledge (technical) 

Table 1 'Model' Crew Resource Management (CRM) Course and Human Factors Appreciation
6. HF - Stress  Definition Types Physiological Psychological Over or under arousal Notion of stress accumulation (relate to item 2 above) 
7. Tiredness or Fatigue 
8. Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (company)  Rule based - philosophy Checklists (practice lists or checks) Benefits and drawbacks, of both types Emergency or abnormal procedures Does the emergency fit the checklists? (and vice-versa) 
9. Flight deck and cabin attendants social structure  Causes of clash or conflict-listening Causes of reduced crew performance Examples - incidents - examples from CHIRP The notion of interpersonal skills Adult to adult relationships (parent/ adult/ child) Clash of cognitive styles The development of a professional style 
10. Case study  Documented accidents and incidents -groups to investigate and make a presentation of findings 
11. The CRM loop (outline)  The notion of 'the right atmosphere' (SOP, checklist discipline) (interpersonal skills) Inquiry, Advocacy, Conflict resolution, Decision making, Critique, Feedback - notion of synergy 

Table 1 'Model' Crew Resource Management (CRM) Course and Human Factors Appreciation
12. CRM loop expanded  Inquiry . right questions . collect and validate . continuous update and information . test accuracy Advocacy . frankly state opinion . express concerns . seeks others' ideas Conflict resolution . work out differences . look for reasons and causes . emphasise what is right, not who is right . clash of cognitive styles (style of leadership) Decision making . arrive at sound and safe decisions . change mind when convinced . work for understanding and support of crew . team membership (lead/ follow) Critique . constructively review . plans and results . use feedback for learning . develop basis for improvement 
13. Case study (as Unit 10)  . Time limited use of CRM loop to produce findings by group presentation 
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