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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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JARTEL was the name of the research project that assessed the validity and the usability of the NOTECHS method.
Non-technical skills (NTS) usually refer to flightcrews’ professional ability to demonstrate, beside their technical flying competencies, safe and satisfactory behaviour in the domains of cockpit authority, crew co-ordination and co-operation, communication and collective decision making, human error and conflict management, stress and workload management, attention, vigilance and monitoring.
The NOTECHS method is designed to be a guiding tool to look beyond a failure during recurrent checks or training, and help to diagnose possible underlying deficiencies in CRM competence in relation to technical failures. The method is based on the evaluation of four categories of behaviour: Co-operation, Leadership and Managerial Skills, Situation Awareness, and Decision Making; each of them being subdivided into elements and behavioural markers.
The NOTECHS method has been developed by a consortium of European airlines and research departments during the years 1997-2000, and subject to further operational input, is now considered mature enough to be proposed to the JAA and to the aviation industry.
The WP5 report gives a general overview of the method and answers practical questions in relation to the implementation of the method within airlines.

NOTECHS: Non-technical Skill Evaluation in JAR-FCL
Project TP 98518: 1998 Paper presented by: Avermaete, J at the Human Factors Open Day of the JAA-Project Advisory Group on Human Factors, Hoofddorp, 18 November 1998
Cost: Available for free download from:

Upon a request from the JAA-Project Advisory Group on Human Factors, NLR, DLR, IMASSA and the University of Aberdeen conducted a study into possible ways to evaluate nontechnical skills of multi-pilot aircrew. The request was made in the light of the new requirements in JAR-FCL and JAR-OPS that make such an evaluation
CAP 737  Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training
mandatory. The project, named NOTECHS, was executed between March 1997 and March 1998, and resulted in a descriptive framework for non-technical skills. The project result includes guidelines on how to use the framework in the check situations referred to in JAR-FCL. The proposed assessment method incorporates safeguards that should prevent misuse or arbitrariness of the evaluation. A formal validation of the proposed method was not possible within the NOTECHS project. The European Union JAR-TEL project will, building on the NOTECHS results, extend its application to JAR-OPS and test the robustness of the method proposed here. 
30  Behavioural Markers for Crew Resource Management. 
Size: 66 pages 
Flin, R and Martin, L 
CAA Paper 98005. 1998. ISBN 0 86039 735 1 
Publisher: Documedia Solutions 
cost: about £10. contact documedia solutions on www.documedia.co.uk for exact price. 
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