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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Having consulted crew, changes plan if necessary.

6.2  Decision Making Decision making is the process of reaching a judgement or choosing an option.

6.2.1  Problem definition and diagnosis
Problem definition and diagnosis is the ability to collect the information needed to
define a problem and its causal factors.
Examples of poor practice:

Nature of the problem not stated or failure to diagnose;

No discussion of probable causes.
Examples of good practice:

Gathers information and identifies problem;

Reviews causal factors with other crew members.


6.2.2  Option generation
Option generation refers to the ability of a crew member to generate multiple
responses to a problem.
Examples of poor practice:

Does not search for information;

Does not ask crew for alternatives.
Examples of good practice:

States alternative courses of action;

Asks crew members for options.


6.2.3  Risk assessment and option selection
Risk assessment and option selection refers to the ability of a crew member to successfully assess risks and benefits of different responses to a problem, and to select the best response. Both should be accomplished through discussion with other crew members.
Examples of poor practice:
Inadequate discussion of limiting factors with crew;

Failing to inform crew of decision path being taken.
Examples of good practice:

Considers and shares risks of alternative courses of action;

Talks about possible risks for course of action in terms of crew limitations;

Confirms selected course of action.

6.3  Co-operation Co-operation is the ability to work effectively in a crew.

6.3.1  Team-building and maintaining
Team-building and maintaining is about the ability to establish positive interpersonal relations between crew members and their active participation in fulfilling the tasks. Examples of poor practice:
Blocks open communication;

Keeps barriers between crew members;

Competes with others.
Examples of good practice:

Establishes atmosphere for open communication and participation;

Encourages inputs and feedback from others;

Does not compete with others.


6.3.2  Consideration of others
Consideration of others involves the acceptance of others and understanding their
personal condition.
Examples of poor practice:

Ignores suggestions of other crew members;

Does not take account of the condition of other crew members;
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