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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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9 Recurrent Training and Objectives
During LOFT exercises, flight crew are likely to be at their most vigilant, expecting to be tested on emergency situations. This is not, therefore, the best mechanism for flight crew to learn about the effects of fatigue or low alertness. The simulator environment is, however, a very good way to learn about workload management.
Incidents and sharing "war stories" may be a good way to learn about the effects of fatigue, as long as care is taken not to allow a 'macho' culture to develop where individuals may refuse to acknowledge that their performance is likely to degrade when fatigued.
10 Examples and Suggested Training Material
Dédale. Briefings: A Human Factors Course for Pilots - Videos. 1994 (and reissued in 2000). Publishers Dédale, France .

Incidents/ accidents.


For stress, it may be useful to run a "how stressed are you" questionnaire - there are several available.
11 References and Useful Additional Reading
a) JAR FCL 3.
b) Stokes, A., Kite, K. Flight Stress: Stress, Fatigue and Performance in Aviation. Avebury.
c) Smith, A. P., Jones, D. M. Handbook of Human (Vol III - State and Trait). Academic Press. Chapter 11: Symptoms of acute and chronic fatigue.
d) Thom, T. Human Factors and Pilot Performance. 1994. Chapter 5. Airlife.
e) Dédale. Briefings: A Human Factors Course for Pilots - Reference Manual. 1994 (and reissued in 2000). Publishers Dedale, France. (chapter 4 Stress and adaptation; chapter 9 Vigilance, Attention, fatigue).
f)  The Fatigue Model. Qinetiq. 2002. For further information, contact Steve Griffin, Research Management Dept, CAA Safety Regulation Group, Aviation House, Gatwick Airport (South Area), W Sussex, RH6 0YR.
g) ICAO Human Factors Training Manual. 1998. Doc 9683-AN/950.
h) CAP 371 Avoidance Of Fatigue in Air Crews. 1990. CAA. www.caa.co.uk.
i)  FODCOM 12/01 Letter of consultation: Proposal to amend Civil Aviation Publication (CAP) 371 for the purpose of clarifying the texts to reflect current interpretations and practices. August 2001. www.caa.co.uk.
j)  Amalberti et al.. Vigilance, attention, fatigue. Chapter 9 of "Briefings: A Human Factors Course for Pilots - Reference Manual". Dédale. 1994 (and reissued in 2000). Publishers, Dédale France.
Appendix 4 Information Processing
1 Introduction
The intention of this Appendix is to provide an overview of mental human performance characteristics which flight crew use, such as attention and perception, information processing, memory, judgement and decision making. The theoretical knowledge is addressed in the section "basic theory"; practical application of this knowledge is discussed in subsequent sections and Appendices.
This Appendix examines the way in which information gathered by the senses is processed by the brain. The limitations of the human information processing system are also considered. The theory of decision making is also covered, albeit not in depth. Further references are included for those readers requiring more in-depth information on information processing and decision making.
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