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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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definition(s), concept(s), model(s)

anxiety and stress

effects of stress

types, causes, symptoms

effects of fatigue
Body rhythm and sleep

rhythm disturbances

symptoms, effects, management
Fatigue and stress management

coping strategies

management techniques

health and fitness programmes

relaxation techniques

religious practices

counselling techniques
Advanced cockpit automation
Advantages and disadvantages (criticalities)
Automation complacency
Working concepts


5 Practical Notes
Whilst it is useful to know something about the theory associated with human performance and limitations, and aviation psychology, care should be taken not to cause people to form the impression that human factors is purely theory, and of little practical relevance to them and their jobs. Any theory should be backed up with practical examples from aviation contexts.
Remember that time on any training course is normally limited, and the emphasis should be on training the more important concepts of CRM rather than on imparting theoretical knowledge in isolation. It may be appropriate to assess the level of knowledge of potential course participants in advance of the training course, and adapt the theoretical HPL content accordingly.

6 Examples and Suggested Training Material
Dédale's publication "Briefings", and associated videos, address the majority of the HPL topics at a level appropriate to CRM for multi-crew situations in commercial aviation operations.

References and Useful Additional Reading
a) JAR FCL 3 b) ICAO Human Factors Training Manual. 1998. Doc 9683-AN/950 c) ICAO. Fundamental Human Factors Concepts. ICAO Human Factors Digest No.1.
ICAO Circular 216-AN/131 1989 d) ICAO. Training of Operational Personnel in Human Factors. ICAO Human Factors
Digest No.3. ICAO Circular 227-AN/136. 1991 e) Campbell and Bagshaw. Human Performance and Limitations f) Hawkins, F. Human Factors in Flight. 2nd Edn. 1993 Ashgate. ISBN 1 85742 135 3 g) Orlady, H., Orlady, L. Human Factors in Multi-Crew Flight Operations. 1999.
Ashgate ISBN 0 291 39839 1 h) DeHart, R. Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine i) Dédale. Briefings: A Human Factors Course for Pilots - Reference Manual. 1994
(and reissued in 2000). Publishers, Dédale France. j) FAA safety brochure on pilot vision http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/aam-400A/Brochures/400_vision.html k) FAA safety brochure on hearing and noise http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/aam-400A/Brochures/hearing.htm l) FAA safety brochure on alcohol http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/aam-400A/Brochures/400_alcohol.html m)FAA safety brochure on medication http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/aam-400A/Brochures/400aotc.html n) FAA safety brochure on altitude decompression sickness http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/aam-400A/Brochures/400altitude.html o) FAA safety brochure on disorientation http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/aam-400A/Brochures/Disorien.htm
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