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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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2.17  ACRM Implementation Guidelines
2.17.1  Guidelines for Organisational Implementation
1  Management should be kept informed of the general trends, both crew performance and instructor standardisation, and union representatives should be provided with data that establishes the reliable and accurate qualities of the ACRM crew assessments.
2  Under ACRM, it is possible to collect a large amount of CRM performance data, which can result in an overwhelming amount of information. There is a tendency to try and report everything, so care should be taken not to report too much data and overloading those who need the information.
3  In planning for the organisational announcement, consideration should be given to a sequence where the CRM procedures are announced prior to the start of crew training and possibly before or during instructor/evaluator training. This should be planned as a relatively short sequence, where the crew training and implementation follow closely.
4  The announcement of CRM procedures should include a detailed specification of the new policies and procedures. With content and format of paramount importance, the announcement should be carefully co-ordinated with flight standards and documents departments.
5  As part of co-ordinating the release of new CRM procedures with document updates, a formal review of the camera-ready material should be scheduled because there will be errors, and having a number of informed people review the material increases the chances of catching those mistakes.

2.17.2  Guidelines for Implementing ACRM for Instructor/Evaluator
1  The gradesheet should be used as a focal point in establishing reliable crew assessment. Instructor/evaluators should be encouraged to work on the refinement of the LOFT/LOE gradesheet as an effective way to develop an assessment team.
2  The airline should work with the instructor/evaluators to establish a specified level of rater reliability prior to conducting the LOFT/LOE portion of crew training. One way to ensure that the instructor/evaluators reach that level is to work with a realistic set of benchmarks.
3  Individual instructors with specific assessment problems should be encouraged to work with the group in resolving the issues. ACRM assessment should be approached as a group effort where the team, and not just one individual, needs to resolve any outstanding problems.
4  The airline should treat assessment standardisation as a long-term development process giving the instructor/evaluators the organisational support that will allow them to direct the process.

2.17.3  Guidelines for Maintaining Standards and IRR
1  When LOFT/LOE crew performance data shows a drop in ratings, the airline should consider a range of causes from properties of the LOE scenario to lack of crew training in specific areas. The IRR process allows the airlines to isolate probable causes with a greater degree of accuracy than has been possible up to this point.
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(122)