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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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A complaint about CRM assessment has been that instructors are provided with insufficient training and given too high a workload during LOFT or LOE sessions. ACRM training ensures that instructor/evaluators are given ample practice to build up their skills in standardising the assessment process. This can be done initially during the final part of the basic instructor/evaluator training, and should be done on a regular basis thereafter under some form of standardisation training. With the standard and focused approach that ACRM gives to the assessment process, instructors are able to manage their workload by concentrating on the essential elements rather than trying to assess many poorly defined concepts.

2.12 Expanding CRM Skill Practice
Once ACRM is implemented, the crews are provided with focused opportunities to practice CRM procedures under normal, non-normal, and training conditions. Crews, through the normal CRM procedures, are provided with the opportunity to practice specific CRM behaviors every time they fly. This frequent practice of learned behaviors promotes the development of CRM skills, skills that an airline has identified as essential to good performance within its operational environment.
In addition, crews are provided with the opportunity to practice good CRM behaviors under emergency and abnormal conditions when training in flight simulators. By inserting CRM procedures into an airline’s Quick Reference Handbook or emergency procedures, crews are given CRM skill practice every time they follow one of those procedures. As an example, one airline inserted a preparation and planning cycle into certain emergency procedures where the malfunction has a significant impact on future phases of flight. That preparation and planning cycle provides crews with practice in discussing the critical conditions and stating a detailed plan for their specific situation. This focused CRM skills practice under normal and training conditions is designed to improve crew performance, and to help them manage real emergency or other non-normal situations.

2.13 Focusing on Airline-Critical Procedures
The ACRM development process is airline-specific, because there is not a single set of CRM procedures that will address the crew co-ordination needs of all airlines. This approach to ACRM development is aware that one size does not fit all organisations. Airlines have different missions, philosophies, and SOP, and ACRM development helps an airline refine its procedures to best meet its unique operational needs. ACRM development is a process, and that process helps the entire organisation focus on the procedures that will most improve crew performance in the airline’s operational environment.
This operational focus should be used to involve training and flight operations in the process of improving CRM. Traditionally, CRM training has been the responsibility of a relatively small group, or in some cases an individual, within the training department. ACRM training, by addressing procedures and fundamental issues of crew performance, extends involvement to the entire flight operations, involving those in standards, training, and operations. Raising CRM to the level of SOP magnifies the importance of crew co-ordination and activates all critical parts of the operation in the development, training, and assessment process.
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(116)