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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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It is important for the team to establish openness from the outset, and for the commander, particularly, to demonstrate that he will welcome input from other team members, in particular the other flight deck crew. A glowering Captain who speaks to no-one in the crew bus on the way to the aircraft is unlikely to set the appropriate atmosphere for the rest of the flight! Talking about a hypothetical situation on the way to the aircraft (e.g. what to do if a drunk and disruptive passenger boarded) may help to establish mutual expectations and encourage open communication.
There may be a large difference in age and experience between the various team members, with a younger, less experienced pilot being reluctant to challenge or query the Captain's actions in any way. Similarly, there may be a reluctance on the part of the cabin crew to 'bother' the flight crew with concerns. It is important to ensure that communication between team members is encouraged from the outset, even if that information often turns out to be non-relevant or not important, or a challenge by a co-pilot proves the Captain to be correct. Team members should not be afraid or embarassed to speak up.
Assertiveness training should help ensure that people speak out when appropriate, and using illustrations of incidents and accidents where team communication or functioning has been poor (or particularly good) helps reinforce the training.

Crew Co-ordination1
Crew co-ordination is the advantage of teamwork over a collection of highly skilled individuals. Its prominent benefits are:
an increase in safety by redundancy to detect and remedy individual errors; and

an increase in efficiency by the organised use of all existing resources, which improves the in-flight management.

The basic variables determining the extent of crew co-ordination are the attitudes, motivation and training of the team members. Especially under stress (physical, emotional or managerial), there is a high risk that crew co-ordination will break down. The results are a decrease in communication (marginal or no exchange of information), an increase in errors (e.g. wrong decisions) and a lower probability of correcting deviations either from standard operating procedures or the desired flight path. Additionally, emotional conflicts in the cockpit may result.
The high risks associated with a breakdown of crew co-ordination show the need for CRM training. This kind of training ensures that:
.  the pilot has the maximum capacity for the primary task of flying the aircraft and making decisions;
1.  Text taken from ICAO HF Digest No. 1: Fundamental Human Factors Concepts. ICAO Circular 216-AN/131
the workload is equally distributed among the crew members, so that excessive workload for any individual is avoided;

co-ordinated co-operation – including the exchange of information;

the support of fellow crew members and the monitoring of each others’ performance – will be maintained under both normal and abnormal conditions.
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(72)