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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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3 Instructor and Examiner Appropriate Behaviours Comparison
Hereafter is a simplified list of appropriate behaviours for an Instructor conducting a teaching session compared with one conducting a test of skill and/or knowledge.
Those wishing to be assessed as competent in the Examining Role will be assessed against the appropriate behaviours and criteria as listed below.
A CRMI(E), when conducting accreditation on a CRMI should expect the CRMI to exhibit the teaching skills summarised in the left hand column as a demonstration of the skills listed in the CRM instructor Short Guide.
Table 1 Skills Required – Instructor Versus Examiner
Teaching/the Lesson  Examining/the Test 
The Briefing 
TELL  What to do and How to do it.  TELL  WHAT but NOT how. 
PARTICIPATE  Student practices, receives coaching and guidance; Teacher receives feedback.  PARTICIPATE  Candidate only participates to answer questions. 
SELL  The method of doing the task and the “need” to know and achieve.  SELL  The need for the test.; Need for success. 
DELEGATE  Some of the deduction and student preparation.  DELEGATE  All prep and deduction. 

Table 1 Skills Required – Instructor Versus Examiner

Teaching/the Lesson  Examining/the Test 
The Skill/Knowledge Activity 
TELL  Demonstrate/show how, prompt.  TELL  Minimal Assessor input. 
PARTICIPATE  Student/Teacher work in collaboration to improve student knowledge and skill and Student experiences under guidance.  PARTICIPATE  No collaboration other than to run the Test. 
SELL  Teacher sells/Student buys “method”.  SELL  Very little trading occurs other than student selling own prowess. 
DELEGATE  Little delegation at start of lesson, increasing as Student proficiency grows.  DELEGATION  Very high, candidate does it all. 

The Debriefing 
TELL  Teacher tells more at the start and less as Student competency grows at each session.  TELL  The Result and Consequence. 
PARTICIPATE  Student participates under guidance of Teacher to diagnose own remedy via Facilitation.  PARTICIPATE  Candidate answers questions and gets some facilitation. 
SELL  Obtain agreement on the facts of student performance, and agree the remedies, agree the strengths.  SELL  Why it was good or bad. 
DELEGATE  Student given tasks to complete by way of “homework”/practise.  DELEGATE  Candidate may be given remedial self-study/ practise. 

3.1 CRMI Acreditation Test Checklist
The Examiner will show the same awareness of, and ability to manage time as expected of the Teacher/Instructor.
As for the Instructor/Teacher, the Examiner will show the same sensitivity to the personal style of Candidate, whether the candidate be Activist (Get on and do), Theorist (I need to know all the background), Reflector (I need a little time to consider), or Pragmatist (Just tell me what I need to know).
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