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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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5.6 Incapacitation
An extreme case of performance decrement is incapacitation of one, both or all flight crew members. Pilots are trained in what to do under such circumstances but must not forget that CRM in its wider context is still, in fact more, important (e.g. CRM between the non-incapacitated pilot and cabin crew, and between flight deck and ATC). Training, whether standard LOFT exercises or CRM scenarios, should ensure that flight crew can cope with situations where partial or complete incapacitation might occur.

CRM Training
To maximise their effectiveness in the aircraft, crew members not only need to acquire a sound grasp of the technical knowledge and skills necessary for the fulfilment of their particular role in the aircraft, but they also need to understand and develop the cognitive and interpersonal skills which are a prerequisite for good CRM. The nature of these latter skills, however, is such that they cannot readily be taught by the didactic training methods normally used to impart technical knowledge about the aircraft and its systems - methods sometimes referred to as ‘chalk and talk’. Cognitive and interpersonal skills -CRM skills - are mostly concerned with understanding and interpreting behaviour, particularly behaviour which occurs in a group context, so they are more appropriately developed through a process known as experiential learning. Successful experiential learning occurs when an individual reflects on his or her past behaviour in a given organisational situation and gains sufficient insight to form a rational basis for behaving in a more effective way when faced with similar circumstances in the future. Consequently, CRM training usually takes place in groups and is often assisted by a trained facilitator who is equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills and techniques to foster the learning process. The standards required by instructors in CRM have recently been defined by an accreditation focus group (now the CRM Advisory Panel) under the auspices of the Royal Aeronautical Society. For both historical and practical reasons, CRM skills have tended to be taught separately from technical knowledge and skills, but the considerable area of overlap between the two disciplines suggests that the training would be more effective if it was integrated from the earliest stages of the aircrew training regime.
7 Behavioural Markers
Knowledge and experience about CRM built up in recent years by the use of facilitative training techniques has led to attempts to define optimum performance by the use of behavioural markers. Although these attempts are still in their infancy, a successful outcome would not only help to define more clearly the cognitive and interpersonal skills required for good CRM but also allow for a standard approach to the current problem of assessment, feedback and further training of individual crew members.

8 Conclusion
The concepts which underpin CRM are not new or gimmicky; rather they are an attempt to distil old axioms into a more coherent and cogent management style across the flight regime. Safe and efficient flight operations depend for their success not merely on the acquisition of sound technical knowledge and skills but also on the mastery by aircrew of the cognitive and interpersonal skills which form the basis of good CRM. Cognitive skills not only allow for the development and maintenance of good situational awareness but also underpin high quality problem solving and decision making techniques. In addition, interpersonal skills, which depend for their effectiveness on good communications, encourage the creation of synergy and the development of successful teamwork. Both cognitive and interpersonal skills are enhanced by a good emotional climate amongst the crew, but they are also easily degraded by stress, so management of the emotional climate and stress becomes an integral and important element of good CRM.
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