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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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2  User feedback sessions should include five to ten individuals who work well together. Working with too small a group (less than five) is less efficient and the individuals are less likely to be stimulated by a wider range of comments. Working with too large a group (substantially more than ten) is more difficult to manage, and the feedback will likely cover a broad range of topics but not in depth.
3  If formal user feedback sessions are not possible, consider holding informal small group or individual sessions as pilots and instructors are available in the training center or flight operations. Meaningful feedback should be obtained from a cross section of pilots and instructors either formally or informally.
4  Organisational presentations, generally made after user feedback sessions, are similar to those made to the users, but with fewer operational details and more information about the ACRM program. Emphasis should be on the need for the CRM procedures, the development process, and the feedback process.

2.15  Instructor/Evaluator Training Development Guidelines
2.15.1  Guidelines for Planning and Developing Introductory ACRM Modules
1  When planning for the development of instructor/evaluator training, consider not only the development process but also the actual implementation of the training. Try to plan so that the ACRM training will be ready at a point where instructors receive scheduled recurrent training. ACRM instructor training should be as integrated as possible with the rest of their training and should be treated as a minor expansion of existing training rather than a substantial addition.
2  One initial instructor/evaluator training module should explain that the procedure development process has translated CRM principles into operational procedures, providing the airline with an opportunity to emphasise important CRM actions that should be practiced by all crews.
3  When presenting CRM procedures to instructors it should be explained how each procedure was developed based on airline needs and incident data. The procedure, in its actual form, should then be presented, highlighting each of its main features. Finally, consider including a set of questions or other form of instructor activity to ensure that the instructors understand the main elements of the new CRM procedure.
4  Each new CRM procedure has implications for crew training because it places an emphasis on the crew's development of specific CRM behaviors in the operational context. Because of this emphasis on CRM skills, instructor/evaluators should have an understanding of the nature of skill development and its implications for the training of these new CRM procedures.

2.15.2  Guidelines for Developing LOFT/LOE Modules
1  The effectiveness of LOFT/LOE sessions depends in good part on script detail and proper administration of that script during the simulator session. The scenario should be carefully scripted with ATC communications using correct terminology, timing, and routing. Precise ATC communication scripting will also enhance session realism.
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