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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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b) For re-accreditation, one course of training, or a part thereof, within the last 12 months of the accreditation period will be observed by a CRMIE, who may be a company examiner, an Inspector of the Authority, or a suitably qualified member of the CRM Advisory Panel.

6.2 Instructors Simulator/Base
TREs will be accredited with CRM instructional and assessment skills when their authority is revalidated either by a CAA Training Inspector or a company Revalidation Examiner (RETRE). TRIs, if accredited separately from any other qualification, may be revalidated by a TRI(E).

6.3 Line Training Captains
Line Training Captains will be accredited by a company CRMIE on a three yearly renewal basis. The accreditation process may be done as a workshop, during actual line training or during a simulator LOFT detail in the multi-crew environment.

7 Record Keeping
Records of all training courses conducted by instructors must be kept for a period of three years. These records should show the instructional course dates, the type of course or check, the name(s) of the candidate(s) and the type of simulator or aircraft (if any) that was used.
Chapter 6 CRM Instructor- Examiners (CRMIEs)
1  Requirements - General
The role of the CRMIE derives from the JAR-OPS Sub-part N and subsequent revisions. The CAA will authorise suitably experienced and qualified individuals as examiners to facilitate the accreditation of instructors as being competent to carry out CRM training. CRMIEs may be qualified in the three contexts of Ground School, Simulator/Base and Line. The CRMIE shall meet all the requirements of the CRMI in the context in which he is to be a CRMIE.
A CRMIE may be qualified in more than one context.
All company CRMIEs should be nominated in the company Operations Manual (Training). When exercising the privileges of a CRMIE in an aircraft, the individual shall hold an appropriate valid and current licence.
The CRMIE authorisation will remain valid subject to the examiner’s continued employment with the sponsoring company. Should the examiner cease to be employed on examining duties, or leave the sponsoring company, the authorisation will automatically lapse.
A CRMIE may carry out accreditation checks on instructors not employed by the company sponsoring that examiner’s authorisation subject to a written agreement between the sponsoring company and the third party. Copies of such written agreements must be forwarded to the Head of Training Standards at the CAA for his approval. The CAA will, on receipt of this copy agreement, reserve the right without prejudice, to refuse to sanction any such agreements.
Standardisation will be maintained by Inspectors of the Authority observing CRMIEs undertaking assessment of CRMIs at ground school training, LOFT training, simulator/base checks and line training/checks on an opportunity basis.
2  Examiner Requirements
Examiners in any CRM context shall be at least as well qualified and experienced as the CRMI candidate whom they are going to examine. This means that any CRMIE needs to fulfil at least the minimum qualification and experience requirements laid down for CRMIs in the relevant context.
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