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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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The communication process invariably takes place in a social and organisational context and it is therefore profoundly influenced by company culture. Its effectiveness also depends on the experience level of the pilot or crew members involved in the transaction and their perception of their roles and position in the chain of command. The effectiveness of the communication process also depends on the nature of the task and operational context in which the flight is taking place - e.g. the phase of flight, and whether it is being conducted under normal, non-normal or emergency conditions. In addition, it is affected by the mode of speech employed and the linguistic context in which the transaction takes place. In this context, individual styles, body language, grammatical styles and speech patterns all have their part to play. Because of these complexities, crew members need to be aware of and sensitive to the nuances of effective communication. They also need to understand and avoid where possible those elements which constitute a barrier to effective communication.

4.2 Teamwork
Successful teamwork is achieved when the output of the team is greater than that which could be developed by the sum of the efforts of the individual crew members acting in isolation - a process known as synergism. Synergism is produced by a process of interaction between crew members, whereby each individual is empowered and encouraged to contribute in the most effective way to the overall task of the team. Interaction is unlikely to occur, however, unless all individual members of the team fully understand their role within the group and how this role may vary depending on the circumstances under which decisions are being made and action taken. Consequently, good communications within the group, a high degree of situational awareness and a comprehensive understanding of the decision-making process by all members of the group are all prerequisites for the creation of synergy and the effective performance of the team as a whole. For operational reasons, many crew members form part of a new team on every flight, so it is important that the overall organisation culture encourages and fosters a climate in which good teamwork can flourish. It is also evident that a healthy organisational culture, which actively promotes CRM, will also foster good teamwork, since CRM and teamwork are inextricably intertwined in the realm of effective flight management techniques.

5 Factors Affecting Individual Performance
5.1 Emotional Climate
The term ‘emotional climate’ refers to the way that people in the team feel about themselves and each other during flight operations. Research indicates that factors which create a positive tone individually and collectively on the flight deck and among the wider operating team enhance the effectiveness of the cognitive and interpersonal skills displayed by crew members. Factors that have been shown to affect the emotional climate in which the team operates include perceptions of safety, clarity of job and task expectations, supportive communication, participation and involvement, recognition for contribution and freedom of expression. While the climate or tone of the operation depends to a large extent on the attitude and conduct of the Captain, every crew member should, nevertheless, be aware of the significance of a good working climate, and strive to put into practice those behaviours that are conducive to it.
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(11)