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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Was the lesson Objective achieved and did the trainees learn from the session?
Were the trainees treated with respect and did the CRMI set a good CRM role model?
Before delivering the Debrief, the Examiner may wish to ask some questions of the candidate, for example to gain an explanation of why a particular technique was used, or to test an area of knowledge. For whatever reason questioning becomes necessary, it must not be conducted in a courtroom atmosphere, and should be kept to a minimum, the candidate having already endured a stressful session and having delivered sufficient for the Examiner to make an assessment.
When delivering the Debrief, the CRMIE’s manner must continue to be friendly and professional. If the candidate has passed, then he or she should be told immediately and congratulated, followed by notification of areas for further improvement and areas which were of a good standard.
If the candidate has not made the required standard then the Examiner must inform the CRMI at the outset, and then give the MAIN reasons, in descending order of importance, each with a brief main justification, followed by the consequences (e.g. “unfortunately you will not be able to exercise the privileges of a CRMI until your reassessment is successful”). The Examiner should then seek to support the candidate by praising any areas which were of a good standard to encourage the candidate to build upon those strengths. There then should ensue a facilitative discussion on the important areas of the CRMI’s performance, with the main theme selected from the Examiner’s notes as the objective of the facilitation.
Although the power of the Examiner to decide upon the acceptability of CRMI performance is undisputed, it is important not to use continually a “telling” style during the Debrief, other than the initial portion when delivering “the verdict”. The aim must be to gain the candidate’s acceptance of the verdict and, more importantly agree upon a series of remedies of which he or she can recognise ownership.
In many ways assessing CRMI performance is the same as assessing any instructor performance. Perhaps the main emphasis differs by the very nature of the subject matter. Therefore examining CRM Instructor performance requires that the Examiner displays the best examples of CRM skill in handling the CRMI throughout the test, without losing any of the objectivity required to ensure a minimum standard.

2.3 Assessment of CRM Instructors in Simulators
The general principles covering Examiner Preparation, Test conduct, Briefing and Debriefing of the Candidate in the Classroom environment apply equally to the Simulator Scenarios.
The same time allowances and associated care should be taken to ensure that all parties are adequately briefed and that each person is absolutely certain as to what is required of them. This is particularly important if the assessment of the CRMI is combined with a license or operational check (LPC/OPC). The trainees should understand that they are not under formal assessment by the CRMI(E) and the Examiner’s duty is to ensure that they do not suffer any unnecessary pressures.
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