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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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The Examiner must always realise that the purpose of the observed session is primarily for the benefit of the trainees and to this end the Examiner must do everything possible to preserve an open atmosphere during the session. Indeed it is this very “openness” which is one of the main points upon which the CRMI will be assessed in his conduct of the session. It would be unacceptable for the Examiner by his presence or intervention to inhibit open discussion and facilitative learning processes.
There are various opinions as to the role that the Examiner should take during the assessment in the classroom. Some believe that the Examiner should take no part and should sit behind the group and unobtrusively observe and take notes, whereas others believe that the obvious isolation of one individual who is nevertheless present can have a damaging effect on group dynamics.
It is most important, therefore, for the CRMIE to discuss classroom tactics with the CRMI before the session begins, and the CRMI should be given the choice. Notwithstanding this preparation, if the Examiner finds that anyone present is focussing on him during the session, or that the CRMI or the group appear to be inhibited by his presence, the CRMIE should take immediate steps to communicate and gently steer real control of the proceedings back to the Instructor.
The CRMIE should brief the CRMI at least an hour before the start of the session and arrange for an extra ten minutes at the start of the session so that he may introduce himself, explain publicly why he is there, that the students are not under check or assessment and that the session is for their benefit, with anything said in the room remaining confidential. The Examiner should also validate himself by explaining his background. Of greatest importance the Examiner should use his own instructional and facilitative skills to ensure that full control of the session is visibly given to the CRMI.
During the session the Examiner should make discreet notes. Taking notes without drawing attention is a very personal skill, but a general rule is to try to observe by “theme” or “heading groups” such that the CRMIE is not writing throughout. Also a personal “shorthand” should be developed which is succinct, ordered and above all legible and comprehensible to the CRMIE afterwards.
The CRMI must not be debriefed in the presence of the student group. Indeed it is particularly important for the Examiner, especially if inexperienced, to withdraw quietly to consider the overall assessment. In coming to a conclusion, examiners should avoid becoming lost or even deflected by trivia in their notes.
It is essential to prioritise both “good points” and “bad points”, discarding trivia at every opportunity. This will ensure that the Debrief, when delivered will be understood, and above all accepted by the CRMI candidate. When experiencing difficulty in coming to a conclusion as to the outcome of any Instructor Test, it is useful to apply the following broad measurements;
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