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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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The report examines current practice in the development and use of behavioural markers for training and assessing non-technical CRM skills both in the UK and abroad. The report covers 4 areas: 
1  How CRM behavioural marker systems are used in practice 
2  Comparing the principal CRM behavioural marker systems 
3  The empirical basis for CRM marker systems 
4  Recommending a CRM marker system (NOTECHS, once validated by the JARTEL project) 
31  Methods Used to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Flightcrew CRM Training in the UK Aviation Industry. 
Size: literature review 50 pages; survey report 69 pages. 
Survey report and literature review 
O'Connor, Flin, Fletcher and Hemsley. 
The report contains the results of a study to identify the methods used currently by UK operators to assess the effectiveness of their CRM training programmes. A separate report contains the results of a literature survey on methods used to evaluate CRM training effectiveness, categorised according to whether the methods evaluated (i) reactions, (ii) learning, (iii) behaviour, or (iv) organisational impact. 

Operator's Flight Safety Handbook.
Size: approx 300 pages
GAIN. Issue 2. December 2001.
Free to download from:
This handbook is intended to serve as a guide for the creation and operation of a flight safety function within an operator's organisation. This handbook is specifically oriented and focused on the impact of safety considerations as they apply to air operations. It also acknowledges the importance of the development of safety practices in all areas of the organisation. The handbook also includes reference and guidance to areas that may not have been historically included in the safety department, such as Emergency Response and Crisis Management. The Working Group strongly emphasises the importance of independence and authority of the safety function in each organisation. Recognising that the final structure of the safety element will reflect the culture of the organisation, the Working Group urges that the Flight Safety Officer report directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and be empowered to positively effect safety integration throughout the organisation.
This Operator's Flight Safety Handbook was developed by the Aviation Operator's Safety Practices Working Group of the Global Aviation Information Network (GAIN) initiative as a derivation of the Airbus Industrie Flight Safety Manager's Handbook. This document has been developed by subject matter experts from the organisations listed in the Foreword of this document as necessary to be compatible with the philosophy, practices, and procedures of the organisation. Where possible, alternative practices and procedures in current use are also shown.
The important elements of an effective safety programme are:
Senior management commitment to the company safety programme
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