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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Decision Making and Managerial Skills
Introduction 1 Communication 1 Leadership/ Followership 3 Teams 4 Crew Co-ordination 4 Practical Notes 5 Initial Training and Objectives 8 Recurrent Training and Objectives 8 Examples and Suggested Training Material 8 References and Useful Additional Reading 8
Appendix 8  
Introduction 1 Training for Automation 1 References and Useful Additional Reading 8
Appendix 9 Facilitation Skills
Introduction to Facilitation Skills 1 Facilitation Skills 4 Continuous development 6 Trainer Checklist for Facilitation Skills 6
Appendix 10 Examination Skills
Introduction 1 CRM Instructor Performance Assessment 1 Instructor and Examiner Appropriate Behaviours Comparison 5

Appendix 11 Assessment of CRM Skills/ Behavioural Markers
Introduction to Behavioural Markers 1 The Development of the NOTECHS Behavioural Markers 5 University of Texas Behavioural Markers 8 The JARTEL project (Joint Aviation Requirements – Translation and Elaboration of Legislation) 10 LMQ CRM Standards 10 References and Useful Additional Reading 12

Appendix 12 The "Short Guide" Appendix 13 Miscellaneous CRM Topics
Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) 1 Advanced CRM (ACRM) 1
Appendix 14 Sources of Further Information Appendix 15 Summaries of Key Documents on CRM Appendix 16 Standards Document 29

Explanatory Note

1 Introduction
The purpose of this publication is to provide a comprehensive guidance document on CRM, from a UK perspective. This document should contain, or reference, all the information which flight deck crew, CRM Instructors, or CRM Instructor-examiners need to know concerning CRM. It will also be relevant to cabin crew CRM and, to some extent, human factors training in other aviation contexts (such as military aviation, maintenance, ATC, etc.).
The secondary purpose of the document is to explain the procedures involved for the issue and revalidation of Crew Resource Management Instructor (CRMI) and CRM Instructor Examiner (CRMIE), to indicate the requirements to be met by applicants in respect of their experience, training and other matters affecting their ability to be CRMIs or CRMIEs.

2 Applicability
CRM applies to all areas of flying operations, from commercial air transport to corporate and to private operations. Currently this requirement is only mandated for commercial air transport aeroplanes (and helicopters with the introduction of NPA OPS 27 to JAR OPS 3 sub-part N). However, best aviation practice is that all operations should study and implement CRM procedures. Nevertheless, in the application of CRM principles, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) recognises that the operations to which this CAP will apply are numerous and varied and will endeavour to adopt as flexible an approach as is consistent with the maintenance of good standards. Small aircraft operators should bear this in mind when reading this document and considering it’s implications for their style of operations.
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