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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Within the NOTECHS framework, four Categories of non-technical skills have been identified, each Category containing 3 or 4 skill Elements. A short overview of the Categories and corresponding Elements is given in the following table.
Category  Elements 
1. Co-operation  . Team-building and maintaining . Consideration of others . Support of others . Conflict solving 
2. Leadership and/or managerial skills  . Use of authority and assertiveness . Providing and maintaining standards . Planning and co-ordination . Workload management 
3. Situation awareness  . Awareness of aircraft systems . Awareness of external environment . Awareness of time 
4. Decision making  . Problem definition and diagnosis . Option generation . Risk assessment and option selection . Outcome review 

Co-operation is the ability to work effectively in a crew. Team-building and maintaining Team-building and maintaining is about the ability to establish positive interpersonal
relations between crew members and their active participation in fulfilling the tasks. Examples of poor practice:
Blocks open communication

Keeps barriers between crew members

Competes with others
Examples of good practice:

Establishes atmosphere for open communication and participation

Encourages inputs and feedback from others

Does not compete with others Consideration of others Consideration of others involves the acceptance of others and understanding their

personal condition.
Examples of poor practice:

Ignores suggestions of other crew members

Does not take account of the condition of other crew members

Shows no reaction to other crew member's problems
Examples of good practice:

Takes notice of the suggestions of other crew members even if s/he does not agree

Takes condition of other crew members into account

Gives appropriate personal feedback Support of others Support of others relates to giving help to other crew members when they need

Examples of poor practice:
Hesitates to help other crew members in demanding situations

Does not offer assistance
Examples of good practice:
Helps other crew members in demanding situations

Offers assistance Conflict solving Conflict solving is about the articulation of different interpersonal positions and giving
suggestions for solutions.
Examples of poor practice:

Overreacts in interpersonal conflicts, sticks to own position without considering a compromise Accuses other crew members of making errors
Examples of good practice:
Keeps calm in conflicts
Suggests conflict solutions
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