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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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3.1.2  Elements of CRM training which are required in each category of training are laid down at Appendix D.
3.1.3  To ensure that adequate standards are met and that CRM training is delivered in a consistent manner, it is essential that those instructors delivering CRM training meet minimum performance standards. Full guidance on performance standards for those who instruct in CRM has been produced in a document by the RAeS, CAA and the Aviation Training Association, entitled "Guide to Performance Standards for Instructors of CRM Training in Commercial Aviation". (This document is available from "Riverprint", Unit 9, Riverside Park, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7UG, Tel: 01252-722771, Fax: 01252-733633, or email sales@riverprint.co.uk It is also available from the RAeS web site at www.raes-hfg.com/civil-av.pdf & acrobat reader is required to down load it). Performance Assessment should be based on "The Guide" and NOTECHS but companies are free to develop an acceptable system which incorporates the company culture and meets the spirit of the "Guide".

3.2  CRM Assessment
3.2.1  The CAA is aware that JAR-OPS requires the assessment of CRM and also that many operators are already making some assessment of crew CRM performance. This document is concerned with the accreditation of CRM Instructors and Instructor Examiners and does not propose to fully address the subject of assessment of pilots. This will be addressed in a future document but it is felt that some guidance is needed at this stage for instructors and examiners who will need to make assessments of crew's CRM performance.
3.2.2  The different phases of CRM assessment include the Operator Proficiency Check, Line Check and the sequence of checks carried out on completion of a command course. The purpose of CRM assessment is to provide feedback to individuals, thereby identifying any further training needs, and to improve the CRM training system.
3.2.3  Until recently the assessment of CRM training has lacked any formal measurement criteria resulting in subjective and extremely variable standards. Research into means of assessment has determined that acquired CRM skills are reflected in recognisable behaviours, whose characteristics are identifiable as measurable behavioural markers. This research is outlined in CAA Paper 98005 - "Behavioural Markers for Crew Resource Management"
3.2.4  Instructors and examiners should be aware of the marker system (as in NOTECHS or any other similar system in use by the operator) in order to enable them to make constructive debriefs and give guidance to crews to improve future performance and also to make recommendations for further training where this is necessary. However, they should not use behavioural markers as a check list when making assessments. CRM assessment should not be conducted as an activity survey for each phase of flight, but should be carried out within the overall assessment of the flight check. See Appendix E.
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