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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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2  Once instructor/evaluators start administering LOFT/LOE sessions, the data may show a pattern of lower ratings for certain items with some of the instructor-group IRR benchmarks not being met. In such cases, the airline should consider the possibility that some instructor/evaluators do not have the same interpretation of an event set or the standards of performance.
3  Airlines should monitor for crew performance problems in order to address minor problems before they turn into incidents or accidents. Minor problems are often identified by the rating of acceptable but "below standard."
4  Airlines should understand that a major payoff to establishing and maintaining a standard assessment is the ability to identify long-term trends in crew performance. Without data establishing that benchmarks have been met, airlines will find it difficult to make meaningful interpretations of performance trends because of the unknown reliability and accuracy of the data.

2.17.4  Guidelines for Improving CRM Procedures and Training
1  Once airlines have identified a specific performance problem, they should work to link that performance problem to one or more CRM skills. This step is needed to determine the exact training and/or CRM procedure needs to address the problem.
CAP 737  Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training
2  Airlines should recognise that the collection of reliable crew performance data is a minimum requirement for improving crew performance. Airlines should be prepared support the training department and instructor-evaluators in their efforts to establish and maintain a reliable assessment system. 
3  Airlines should understand that ACRM is not limited to the development and assessment of CRM procedures. ACRM is strongly linked to improving overall crew effectiveness at all levels. 
4  The organisation should maintain key members of the original ACRM development teams to help with additional development by capitalizing on the members' experience gained from the initial program effort. 

Appendix 14 Sources of Further Information

There are many hundreds of references on CRM and human factors. An attempt has been made to list the key documents, and where you can find them. Information has also been given on websites, and website references have been included where known; however, web-based information is liable to change, therefore some of these references may be incorrect by the time you read this document.
Training material which may be suitable for CRM, is also referenced, although some of the material, especially videos, may be proprietary and difficult to obtain. Some of the material is available via the CAA library, or via hyperlinks from www.raes-hfg.com.
References have been grouped by topic, to help you find appropriate documents among the wealth of information available. references may be repeated where they are relevant to more than one topic. References are listed alphabetically within each topic.
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