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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Most airlines emphasise CRM principles in the form of topics or markers. These principles include topics such as crew co-ordination, decision making, and situation awareness. These principles are in the form of recommended practices, and crews are encouraged to implement these practices when and how they see fit. The resulting behavior is not always predictable, and most airlines have found it difficult to specify standards of performance for CRM principles.
Some operationally relevant CRM principles can be translated into airline-specific procedures that will benefit crew performance in certain situations. These CRM-based procedures can be integrated with existing normal or non-normal procedures, or they can be designed into new procedures.
The identification of CRM procedures normally starts with existing principles and moves to forming preliminary procedures. This process includes:
Reviewing existing CRM principles;

Identifying crew performance problem areas;

Reviewing procedures at other airlines;

Identifying possible procedural changes or additions.

The identification of CRM procedures should first address the most important crew performance problems. Once ACRM training has been developed and implemented, additional CRM procedures can be developed. CRM procedure identification should be treated as an ongoing process involving the entire organisation in constantly looking for ways to improve crew performance.

2.3 How CRM Procedures Work
ACRM is directed to the training and assessment of CRM skills within crew training programs. CRM procedures become a focal point in CRM training, and those procedures allow crews to practice specific CRM behaviors both in normal and non-normal situations. The procedures help crewmembers develop a consistent pattern of crew co-ordination allowing crews to know what to expect from each other. The CRM procedures also serve as a constant reminder to the importance of CRM within the operational environment.
CRM procedures are an integral part of SOP. CRM procedures may be integrated within briefings, checklists, and emergency or abnormal procedures, such as those found in a QRH, the FSM, or the FOM. These procedures promote good CRM in consistent ways during appropriate times for normal and non-normal flight situations.
For example, crew communication and situation awareness can be improved by requiring specific items in briefings prior to take-off. A take-off brief that requires the crew to address situationally relevant items critical to that particular take-off can be inserted during times with lower levels of workload. By having the take-off brief address important conditions related to the airport, weather, and performance, the crew discusses those conditions that affect the take-off. The brief should include specific plans for abnormals that may occur during take-off. Having the briefing scheduled for the lower workload period prior to taxi helps improve situation awareness and decision making during a critical phase of flight.
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(111)