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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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cockpit adjustment

instrument interpretation/situational awareness

manual dexterity

selection of alternative procedures

reaction to breakdowns/ failures/ defects

emergency warnings

workload; physical, allocation of tasks


vigilance Liveware-environment

. observation

situational awareness

stress management

risk management

prioritisation and attention management

coping/ emotional control


decision making Liveware-Software

computer literacy

self-discipline and procedural behaviour


time management


task allocation


The proposed ICAO curriculum detailed above includes an interface not considered as such in the SHEL model, namely the Human Element. Human Factors skills under this heading include those relating to the psychological state and well-being of operational personnel themselves (this should not be confused with the Liveware-Liveware interface, which deals with interpersonal contacts):
The Human Element
Recognition/ coping: disorientation (motion systems), stress


pressure effects

self-discipline/ control


attitudes and the application of knowledge and exercise of judgement

It will be readily appreciated from the foregoing that the development of skills for practical application during flight operations is an important evolution from theoretical Human Factors knowledge to actual operational settings. While the emphasis in this [document] is necessarily directed mainly toward pure knowledge requirements, it is important to reiterate that, where possible, practical Human factors considerations should be built into all relevant aspects of instructional activity. This should apply throughout all stages of pilot and instructor training. Instruction directed at the acquisition of Human Factors skills is the activity which is expected to yeild the greatest benefit in the future.
It is anticipated that specialist training directed towards the acquisition of suitable skills will be futher developed in the coming years and that suitable training techniques will be fully integrated into all pilot training activities. It is especially undesirable that, after meeting the Annex 1 knowledge requirement, trainees come to see human performance training as an academic exercise lacking in operational relevance.

AIC 117 CRM Syllabus
AIC 117/1998 included details of a model human factors syllabus. Whilst the JAR OPS CRM syllabus (see Table 1 in Chapter 4) is now the definitive requirement on which CRM courses should be based, the AIC 117/1998 syllabus is still included within this Appendix as an example syllabus.
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