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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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RAeS. CRM Resource Listing (94 pages) - listing of videos, books, training material. (not updated since 1999). www.raes-hfg.com (CRM - resource listing) 
RAeS. Guide to Performance Standards for Instructors on Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training in Commercial Aviation. 1998. Riverprint www.crm-devel.org/resources/misc/raesperf/perfstan.htm 
RAeS. Quality Crew Resource Management. Paper produced by RAeS HFG CRM standing group. www.crm-devel.org/resources/paper/raescrm.htm. 
RAeS. Royal Aeronautical Society Human Factors Group www.raes-hfg.com (CRM pages) www.raes-hfg.com/reports/loft-debrief.htm www.raes-hfg.com /reports/crm_trng.pdf 
Salas, E., Bowers, C., Edens, E. Improving Teamwork in Organisations 2001. Hillsdale, NJ Erlbaum. ISBN 0 8058 2845 1 
Salas, E., Rhodenizer, L. Bowers, C. The Design and Delivery of Crew Resource Management Training: Exploiting Available Resources. 2000. Human factors 42(3) 
Smith, P. Some Implications of CRM/FDM for Flight Crew Management. BA staff magazine "Flightdeck" Autumn 1992 

CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training

Smith, P., and Hines, T. The Development of Performance Standards for Crew Resource Management (CRM) Instructors in Commercial Aviation. Flight Safety Foundation. 10th EASS "Managing Aviation safety- Back to Basics". Netherlands. March 1998 
Taggart, W. Crew Resource Management: Achieving Enhanced Flight Operations. Chapter in: Johnston, N., McDonald, N., Fuller, R. Aviation Psychology in Practice. 1994. Ashgate. 
Telfer, R. From Pilot Judgement Training to Cockpit Resource Management. In: FSF "Basic Principles - the Key to safety in the Future". 1988. 41st Annual International Air safety Seminar, Australia. 
Tenney, D. CRM by Procedure; solving safety problems with training. Professional Pilot. April 1996 
Transport Canada. Crew Resource Management Manual. www.crm-devel.org/resources/misc/transcan/transcan1.htm 
Weiner, E., Kanki, B., Helmreich, R. Cockpit Resource Management. 1993 San Diego, Academic Press.ISBN 0-12-750026-X 
Wiley, J. Evolution and Latest Developments in Crew Resource Management. World Airnews. February 1997. 
Wilson, D. CRM Metrics: a recap. In Neil Krey's CRM developers site: www.crm-devel.org 
Wise, J. CRM and "The Emperor's New Clothes". 3rd Global Flight Safety and Human Factors Symposium, New Zealand. 1996 also on www.db.erau.edu/campus/departments/hufactors/people/wise-CRMpaper.html 
BBC package of 17 videos. "Aviation Health and Safety Collection". BBC Worldwide learning : vet@bbc.co.uk and www.bbcvet.co.uk 
JAA JAR OPS 1, change 3, Subpart N (Flight Crew). This incorporates the CRM proposed requirements in NPA16. www.jaa.nl 
JAA. NPA OPS 24 (proposed changes to JAR OPS 1)(CRM for cabin crew). Issued 1-6-02; comment period closed on 5-9-02. 
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