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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Team SA has been defined by Wagner and Simon as "The crew's understanding of flight factors that affect (or could affect) the crew and aircraft at any given time".
Basic Theory
The basic theory of SA is that of cognitive psychology, in particular, attention, perception, information processing, memory and decision making. Much of this has already been addressed in the Appendix dealing with information processing.
Whilst the term "situation awareness" is usually used, in the context of flight operations, to describe awareness of all aspects of the whole flight, this can be broken down into specific elements, of which flight crew need to be aware to varying extents at certain times of the flight. For instance, a pilot needs very good SA concerning runway and taxiway assignments prior to take-off, but this information ceases to be useful after departure. Information on the frequency concerning your own aircraft is more important than ATC instructions to other aircraft, but it may be useful to retain some SA of the latter 'party-line' information, in case ATC mistakenly clear another aircraft to your level. Table 1 distinguishes between geographical SA, SA of aircraft position and movement, aircraft system SA, environmental SA and, more for military aircraft, tactical SA.
Table 1 Types of SA (modified from Endsley)
Geographical SA  own aircraft other aircraft terrain features airports cities waypoints navigation fixes position relative to designated features path to desired location runway and taxiway assignments path to desired location climb/descent points 
Spatial/Temporal SA  attitude altitude heading velocity vertical velocity flight path actual values relative to assigned projected flight path projected landing time 
System SA  system status functioning and settings radio altimeter transponders flight modes and automation deviations from correct settings ATC communications present fuel impact of degrades and settings on performance time and distance available on fuel 

Table 1 Types of SA (modified from Endsley)

Environmental SA  weather formations and movement 
temperature icing ceilings fog turbulence, winds 
sun visibility IFR/VFR conditions areas to avoid flight safety projected weather conditions 

One could also argue that "People SA" should be included, but this is not one of the elements in Mica Endsley's model.
Mica Endsley has categorised SA into three levels: perception, comprehension and projection. These are described further in Table 2 The more experienced and skilled a pilot, the better his SA at all three levels tends to be. Novice pilots tend to be competent at level 1 SA, but poor at levels 2 and 3. On the other hand, some skilled and experienced pilots may make errors at the level 2 stage, in that they may perceive the correct information but draw an incorrect conclusion based on previous experience of a similar event.
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