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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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10  Because each student is different and it is difficult to read people’s minds, the workload whilst facilitating is intense, and more so in a group. The facilitator in this respect is having several conversations simultaneously, both verbally and non verbally, and having to think on their feet in reaction to what is being said. With instructing the workload is high in preparation and initial delivery, but then reduces over time as the instructor becomes more familiar with the material. 
11  Although the trainer’s observations and training objectives are inevitably judgemental; in order to prompt a student’s self analysis, the attitude of the trainer when facilitating a debrief should be non-judgemental. In other words, he or she must be prepared to accept that the opinion of the student is valid and not necessarily wrong, even though the trainer’s own experience dictates otherwise. This attitude is the most difficult to genuinely achieve, particularly for trainers who have spent many years instructing and ensuring things are right. 
12  The evaluation of an instructing session is relatively simple and measured by test, where a judgement is made whether the standard has been achieved. When facilitating evaluation is made by observation only and the student’s self assessment. 
2  Facilitation Skills 
The skills required to use facilitation as a technique are as follows: 
2.1  Questioning 
Asking the right questions at the right time is a fundamental skill of facilitation and these are the type of questions that can be used. 

Type  Purpose  Response  Example 
Open  To get a more accurate and fuller response.  Unknown but they will say more than a few words.  ‘What, when, why, where, who, how….’ 
Closed  To check understanding and to control the discussion.  Can be ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or specific data.  ‘Did you, were you, had you’…. 
Probing / building  To obtain further information.  More in depth response.  ‘Tell me more, why was that, explain….’ 
Summarising  To confirm agreement.  Yes.  ‘Is what you mean, have you agreed …’ 

a) Leading:- ‘You did do that didn’t you, wouldn’t you agree that……’
b) Multiple.
c) Rhetorical:- ‘Who cares?’
d) Ambiguous.

2.2  Listening It has often been said that hearing is done with your ears wheras listening is done with your mind. In this respect the term active listening means that a person is concentrating carefully on what is being said, so that they can really understand the
other person. This mnemonic helps to capture some key points:
Look interested;
Inquire with questions;
Stay on target;
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