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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Crews should have received training in Human Performance and Limitations. It is acceptable if this has been completed during licence acquisition or with another operator (where this can be verified as being carried out to a satisfactory standard). This should have covered at least the items listed in Appendix 2 paragraph 4.
Much of this ground should have been covered during initial training, and there should be no need to repeat the theory during CRM training if course participants have already studied the topics previously and are reasonably familiar with the concepts. Where possible, it may be appropriate to assess the level of knowledge of potential course participants in advance of the training course, and adapt the theoretical content accordingly. In any event, the training should concentrate on developing an understanding of CRM concepts, and any reference to the theory of human performance and limitations should be backed up by practical examples in an aviation context.
Table 1 shows the level of CRM instruction required for each stage of training. The aim should be to incorporate, where possible, CRM training into other initial and recurrent training but stand alone modules should be given where appropriate. Initial training given by another operator or training provider may be acceptable provided that syllabus takes into account the current operator’s requirements or the operator’s conversion course is amended to cover any deficiencies or additional requirements. Notwithstanding the requirements stated in Table 1, it should be emphasised that the aim should be to develop proficiency in CRM skills and recurrent training should be focused on this aim.
This chapter will not go into detail on the various syllabus topics, but human error deserves special mention. The nature of the limitations on human performance in complex organisational systems is such that errors are inevitable. Details of the theory of human error, reliability and error management can be found at Appendix 5.
Because of the potentially catastrophic nature of flying accidents, enormous and largely successful efforts have been made over the years to reduce errors not only through the medium of good design, ergonomics, structures, strength of materials, etc, but also through improvements in organisation, regulation and training. Despite these efforts, however, accidents attributable to human factors still occur. The purpose of CRM training, therefore, is to provide a further level of defence against such an eventuality by ensuring that all aircrew are aware of the sources of human fallibility and by developing in individual crew members the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will result in the successful management and containment of inadvertent error.
Table 1 Training Syllabus
Core Elements  Initial CRM  Operator’s  Operator’s  Command  Recurrent 
Training  conversion  conversion  course  training 
course when  course when 
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本文链接地址:CAP 737 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training 机组资源管理培训(19)