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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Part 3 of the ACRM Manual provides guidance in developing CRM procedures, starting with the identification of general industry and own airline needs and moving on to the development and finalising of CRM procedures.

2.6 Overview of Instructor/Evaluator Training
Training of the instructor/evaluators is the key to combining ACRM training and assessment into a well-structured training system. For airlines implementing this approach to crew training and assessment for the first time, the new methods can seem complicated and difficult to assimilate. Therefore, it is important to identify a few basic training areas that can serve to organise instructor/evaluator training. For the first year, the main focus of the instructor/evaluator training can be the CRM procedures, the LOE or other forms of assessment, and the use of a gradesheet (such as the LOE Worksheet).
The first part of instructor/evaluator training should provide instructor/evaluators with an understanding of ACRM. Next, training can be developed to provide instructor/ evaluators with the knowledge and preliminary skills required to train the CRM procedures and how to brief, administer, assess, and debrief the LOE or other forms of ACRM assessment. Then, instructor/evaluators should be given ample practice to build up their skills in standardising the assessment process using some form of Inter rater reliability (IRR). This practice can be provided initially during the final part of the basic instructor/evaluator training. Thereafter, IRR should be refined on a regular basis throughout standardisation training in order to maintain quality control and encourage ongoing instructor/evaluator participation in the ACRM process.
The evaluator part of the training can be organised around the primary IRR tools allowing the instructors to practice developing assessment skills by working with real grading sheets, observing the actual scenarios they will be using, and rating tapes of real crew performance. Assessment skills should be trained in a task specific context providing the instructor/ evaluators with multiple observations of the range of crew performance that they will likely encounter.
Part 4 of the ACRM Manual provides guidelines for developing instructor/evaluator training, including the development of the introductory modules, instructional skills development modules, the ACRM assessment modules, and modules on instructor/ evaluator standardisation.

2.7 Overview of Crew Training
Crew training under ACRM should be viewed as an extension of existing CRM training with emphasis on the new CRM procedures. ACRM can provide a number of training improvements. First, the CRM procedures provide a new focus for the training emphasizing the most critical aspects of crew co-ordination and communication. By merging CRM with SOP, ACRM training integrates CRM with the technical training, giving both aspects equal importance.
A thorough crew training program should be based on specific behavioral objectives such as those developed under an AQP. Objectives are essential for training development and ultimately direct crew performance assessment. Crew training should present the new CRM procedures in a clear and compelling manner, and demonstrate how the procedures improve crew performance. This part of crew training can be based on the concept of crew effectiveness where individual pilots improve their co-ordination by developing CRM skills that lead to overall improved crew effectiveness.
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