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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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14  Human Factors in Multi-Crew Flight Operations. 
Size: 603 pages 
Orlady, H., Orlady, L. 1999. Ashgate. ISBN 0-291-39839-1 (paperback) Price: £28.50 paperback; £64:50 hardback 
This book presents, from the viewpoint of a well-informed pilot, a broad approach to aviation human factors and its relationship to the safety and efficiency of air transport operations. It covers many aspects of air transport human factors: the basic physiology and psychology of aviation, its growth into a core technology, the team concept and Crew/Cockpit Resource Management, the role of human error, the changing role of the co-pilot, and the changing role of the flight attendant. 
1 2 3  Our heritage in air transport The industry and its safety record A brief history of human factors and its development in aviation 
4 5 6  The physical environment and the physiology of flight Those magnificent flying machines and their internal environment The social environment 
7  Basic communication 

8  Documentation, including checklists and information management 
9  Man's limitations, human errors and information processing. 
10  Workload 
11  Automation 
12  Situation awareness and operating in today's environment 
13  Crew resource management (CRM) and the team approach 
14  Fatigue and stress 
15  Fitness to fly 
16  Selection and training 
17  The challenging role of the flight attendant 
18  Non-punitive incident reporting 
19  Some ramifications of accident analysis 
20  The worldwide safety challenge 
21  Current safety problems 
22  The air transport future 
15  Aviation Training: Learners, Instruction and Organisation 
Size: 370 pages 
Telfer, R and Moore, P (Eds) 
1997. Avebury Aviation. ISBN 0 291 39837 5 
Includes chapters on: 
5  Individual differences and CRM training. Schiewe, A and Moore, P. 
8  The flight crew member's responsibility and role in aviation training. Gebers, B. 
11  Joint training and "the real stuff". Naef, W. 
12  Evaluation and the instructor. Anca, J 
13  LOFT facilitator training. Bertram, J and Dowd, N 
14  The evaluation of Virgin Atlantic Airways' CRM training program. Bilton, T 
15  Production of CRM programs. Holling, H 

16 Human Error.
Size: 296 pages
Reason, J.
1990 Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-31419-4
This is generally regarded as the definitive book on human error.

1 The nature of error
2 Studies of human error
3 Performance levels and error types
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