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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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2.4 Example of a CRM Procedure
CRM procedures may be embedded in a range of crew activities. Some CRM procedures, as the one shown in this example, are inserted into required crew briefings prior to critical times of flight such as approach/landing.
There are a number of cases where an airline may notice a pattern or crews are being rushed during the approach that results in the following type of incident (from ASRS Reports):
Due to the proximity of the airport, the high indicated airspeed, the excess alt and the flight crew’s anticipation of the ILS 34 approach, the workload of the flight crew was quite high.The PF descended from the published segment alt (3500’ MSL) at the 18 DME position to the published straight in landing MDA of 2000’ MSL. The FAF for the procedure was at the 13 DME position and the PF’s premature descent put the aircraft 1500' below the published segment alt.
The following Arrival Brief was designed to help crews address the main conditions relevant to each arrival. The brief was placed at the end of cruise phase.
Table 1 Arrival Brief:
ATIS / NOTAMS Brief Descent Profile Statement of Conditions
Select and Prioritise: Fuel status/delays Runway conditions Low visibility procedures Terrain / MSA Convective activity Crosswinds / windshear Hydroplaning Aircraft performance GPWS/TCAS alerts
Bottom Lines for arrival, approach and landing Backup Plan for arrival, approach and landing Overview of CRM Procedures

2.5 Overview of CRM Procedures
CRM procedures, instructor/evaluator training, crew training and assessment, and the ongoing implementation of ACRM form the essential elements of ACRM. CRM procedures are the basis of ACRM training. They are SOPs that contain significant CRM elements. These Procedures can be used to add required CRM to an airline’s briefings, calls, and checklists for normal and non-normal conditions.
It has been demonstrated that CRM procedures can be successfully developed and fully implemented within a regional airline’s SOP helping to integrate the technical with the CRM performance in training, assessment, and, most importantly, in the operation of aircraft. CRM procedures are designed to integrate CRM with standard aircraft operation and provide structure to crew management training and assessment. During training, the procedures become a major focus in CRM skill development. These procedures help crews form a set of beneficial and predictable CRM behaviors that increase crew co-ordination, communication, awareness, planning, and decision making.
During crew assessment, CRM procedures help instructor/evaluators brief and debrief the technical and CRM performance more objectively. The assessment of a crew’s procedural performance is more focused than the traditional evaluation of general CRM markers. This permits a more accurate understanding of crew performance leading to the identification and development of better targeted CRM training.
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