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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Requirements for CRM Instructors (CRMIs) and CRM Instructor-Examiners (CRMIEs)
In 2001, FODCOM 6/2001 advised of the requirement for formal accreditation of CRM Instructors and CRMI Standards. Document 29 contains details of the scheme.
In order to make understanding of the system as simple as possible, it was decided to model this system on the existing one for the approval and verification of TRI ratings and TRE authorisations. This procedure would have the benefit of using a proven system and one which would be both efficient and cost effective.
The accreditation process has been divided into three contexts for the qualification of CRMI: Instructor – Ground School, Instructor – Simulator/Base, and Instructor – Line. An instructor may be qualified in more than one role.
All CRMIs will be accredited by a CRMIE.
The Authority will appoint a CRMIE - Ground School after observation by a suitably trained Flight Operations Inspector (FOI), Training Inspector (TI) or a suitably qualified member of the CRM Advisory Panel. The CRMIE Ground-School may then accredit CRMIs-Ground School after ensuring that they have been suitably trained and have reached the required standard as an instructor of CRM.
A CRMIE - Simulator/Base will be appointed after observation in the relevant role by a TI. In the case of TRE/TRIs who are qualified on both aircraft and simulator only one observation will normally be necessary. RETREs and TRI(E)s may assume grandfather rights as a CRMIE-Simulator/Base until their first revalidation observation of their authorities by a TI.
A CRMIE-line will be appointed by the AOC company who should ensure that the person appointed is a senior training captain with the relevant knowlede of CRM. This post should be agreed with the company's assigned inspector and recorded in the training manual. The CAA will carry out observations of the CRMIE-line on an opportunity basis.
These proposals will be implemented over a three-year transition period to allow operators to adapt to them. “Grandfather rights” may apply to those instructors who have a proven track record and demonstrated instructional experience with a recognised training organisation. These “grandfather rights” are discussed more fully below in the chapters dealing with CRM Instructors and CRM Instructor Examiners.

Management of CRM
Each operator should appoint one person within the company who is to be responsible for all aspects of aircrew CRM, from the development of the syllabi and course to the selection and training of CRM instructors and examiners. This would be the CRM Manager. It is a statutory requirement that a training manual contain all information necessary to enable those persons appointed by the operator to give or supervise training to perform their duties. This does not mean that the training manual need contain every reference to CRM. It could contain the reference to the CRM manual, which could be a separate book but yet remain a controlled document within the overall training manual. The co-ordination of all the revalidations for the CRMIs and CRMIEs would also be the responsibility of the CRM Manager.
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