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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Shows no reaction to other crew member’s problems.
Examples of good practice:

Takes notice of the suggestions of other crew members even if s/he does not agree;

Takes condition of other crew members into account;

Gives appropriate personal feedback.


6.3.3  Support of others
Support of others relates to giving help to other crew members when they need
Examples of poor practice:

Hesitates to help other crew members in demanding situations;

Does not offer assistance.

Examples of good practice:

Helps other crew members in demanding situations;

Offers assistance.


6.3.4 Conflict solving
Conflict solving is about the articulation of different interpersonal positions and giving
suggestions for solutions.
Examples of poor practice:

Overreacts in interpersonal conflicts, sticks to own position without considering a compromise;

Accuses other crew members of making errors.
Examples of good practice:

Keeps calm in conflicts;

Suggests conflict solutions;

Concentrates on what is right rather than who is right.



7 Initial Training and Objectives
To ensure that flight crew understand what is expected of them in their role.
To be aware of company procedures relating to the responsibilities of Captains and other flight crew members.
To be aware of what constitutes good and bad communication in the cockpit, and elsewhere.

8 Recurrent Training and Objectives
To improve upon own communication and team skills, based on feedback from a TRE, CRM instructor or colleagues.
9 Examples and Suggested Training Material

incident/ accident case studies;

examples from CHIRP;

role play exercises.

10 References and Useful Additional Reading
a) ICAO HF Digest No. 1: Fundamental Human Factors Concepts. ICAO Circular 216-AN/131.
b) Amalberti, R. Communication in the cockpit. Chapter 6 of "Briefings: A Human Factors Course for Pilots - Reference Manual". Dédale. 1994 (and reissued in 2000). Publishers Dedale, France.
c) Dunlap, J., and Mangold, S. Leadershop/ Followership; recurrent training. Instructor manual and student manual. Feb 1998. FAA.
Appendix 8 Automation
1 Introduction
CRM in highly automated aircraft presents special challenges, in particular in terms of situation awareness of the status of the aircraft. Many researchers and practitioners have looked at training for modern automated aircraft, in particular Mica Endsley, in the context of situation awareness of automation modes. This has been addressed to a certain extent within Appendix 6.
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