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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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5  Instructor/evaluators should be encouraged to take an active team approach to standardisation sessions. Instructor/evaluators should see these sessions as an essential part of maintaining their assessment standards. One way to ensure team involvement is to encourage instructor/evaluators to control the standardisation sessions, and ultimately to determine their own schedule and length of cycle between sessions based on their rating performance.

2.16  ACRM Crew Training Development Guidelines
2.16.1  Guidelines for Planning ACRM Crew Training
1  Crew training can be the largest cost of the ACRM program, so the development team should use the planning stage to determine ways for reducing the cost of that training. The team should consider integrating ACRM with existing CRM training (see Guideline 2 below) and co-ordinating ACRM training with other training cycles (see Guideline 3 below).
2  The development team should consider extending or modifying existing crew training to meet ACRM training needs. Much of the existing CRM recurrent training can be modified from an emphasis on general CRM principles to a concentration on the specific CRM procedures.
3  The development of ACRM crew training should be co-ordinated not only with crew training cycles but also with instructor/evaluator training and the implementation of the new CRM procedures.
4  ACRM crew training development and implementation should include a review process by scheduling ACRM crew training curriculum reviews that involve key organisational personnel who control the future of the ACRM program.

2.16.2  Guidelines for Developing CRM Procedures Crew Modules
1  When training crews about the need for CRM procedures, it should be emphasised that the crews have been an essential part of the development process with crew representatives involved in developing the current training. In the future, crewmembers should stay involved and help identify new CRM procedural needs as they become apparent.
2  A key component of new CRM procedures is the degree to which they support the development of CRM skills. To help crews practice and master the appropriate skills, crews should be informed of the relationship between the CRM procedures and their CRM skill development.
3  It should be explained that the new CRM procedures have profound implications on the way crew performance is assessed. For example, if it is the case, crews should understand that a detailed simulator-based assessment has been developed to collect crew performance data after the ACRM crew training has been implemented.
4  It should be explained that detailed measures of crew performance were developed in the research stages of ACRM specification and analysis. These more accurate crew performance measures will help evaluators provide more standard crew assessments, and crews should expect a fair assessment from all instructor/ evaluators.

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